25 Reasons Why Couples Who Work Out Together, Stay Together
There are two types of people in this world: the ones who make exercising an integral part of their lives and the ones who do not.
When you're single, you can be either of these types of people without it really impacting your mindset, but when you get into a relationship, it becomes very apparent.
If you are an extremely active person, you know very well how demotivating and detrimental a lazy partner can be.
Your willpower deteriorates when faced with his or her lazy ways and, the next thing you know, it's been almost a week since you last hit the gym.
It's much easier to get out of a routine than into it, so wouldn't you want someone by your side who's encouraging you to push yourself? Well, this is just one of the many reasons couples who exercise together, stay together.
1. You know neither of you is lying when you say you're at the gym for two hours
"Oh you're going to do cardio and lift today?! Good for you."
Instead of getting pissed off that your boyfriend or girlfriend will essentially be unreachable for two hours, you encourage it. You know exactly what kind of day your partner is having and support it wholeheartedly.
2. You always have someone to spot you
Maybe you want to up that weight and need someone by your side to assist you. Well, look no further because you basically have that person on speed dial.
3. The guilt trip you experience is way worse when it comes from someone else
You can beat yourself all you want, but you will never feel guiltier for skipping a workout than when your partner calls you out on it.
You can rationalize letting yourself down all you want, but it's a completely different story when it comes from someone else.
4. Between the two of you, you have access to unlimited free guest passes
You can try your hardest to recruit your friends over to your athletic lifestyle! And when it comes to free things, it's really not that difficult to convince anyone of anything.
5. Sweat definitely does not disgust either of you
In fact, you've grown to kind of like it...
6. You're on the same diet
Cooking and going out to eat is easy because you both want the healthiest, yet most fulfilling option possible.
7. Cheat days are twice as fun
You may have thought you were in all your glory at the gym, but when the two of you get in front of a plate of mac and cheese there is no stopping either of you.
You indulge as much as you want because you know exactly where you will be the next day -- back at the gym.
8. Your sex life is definitely benefiting
Need we elaborate any further?
9. You push each other in different ways
Whether it's through positive or negative words of encouragement, the result is still the same. Sometimes you need that extra push to get your butt moving.
10. You don't feel uncomfortable meeting up after a workout
Neither of you is self-conscious about your physical appearance after a sweaty session at the gym. You don't care what you look like because it's about what's underneath your clothes that matter.
11. Your partner understands and appreciates your routine
Your partner doesn't get annoyed when you want to work your schedule around your time at the gym. You respect each other's dedication and your partner probably wants to work out him or herself.
12. Your partner respects your hustle and vice versa
Not everyone can have the willpower or determination to stick to a rigorous gym schedule. The fact that you are able to commit yourself so fully to something speaks volumes in the other areas of your lives as well.
13. Presents are always easy
No one really enjoys spending a sh*t ton of money on fitness apparel, which is why it makes for such a great gift. Hmm, was Lululemon invented for this reason? Probably... and it's definitely working.
14. Your partner encourages you to get off your ass
Sometimes you are just having a day where the last thing you want to do is exert any energy at all. Your partner is well aware of this feeling and understands the best way to fix it is by doing the exact thing you don't want to do.
15. You really appreciate your bum days unlike anyone else
For you, a bum day doesn't involve binging on Netflix while lying on the couch, instead it's a slow day at the gym.
16. You can probably finagle a couple's discount
What sane person is not going to give you some sort of price reduction?
17. The necessity of a massage is a concept you're both too familiar with
You are both eager to massage the other and even more eager to lie there while the other works his or her magic.
18. You literally have seen each other at your worst
There is nothing quite as unattractive as a tired, drenched and shaking hungover person. Look on the bright side... at least you got that workout in.
19. You get in fewer fights as you're releasing your anger in a healthy way
I wonder what kind of breakup caused someone to invent kickboxing.
20. You can shower together afterward
21. You're both happier and more energetic
This will transcend into a ton of other aspects in both of your lives. The more energetic you are, the more activities you can do together that occur outside the gym.
22. You always have someone to try out that new diet with
Trying something new, especially a diet, is so much easier when there is someone doing it with you.
23. Your playlists will never be dull
Good music is essential for a good workout, so it's great that you always have someone sending you new tunes.
24. Your partner won't let you get away with nonsensical rationalizations
Comparing yourself to others is probably the worst way to get motivated to work out.
25. You bond over the fact that no one else understands your lifestyle
When people yell at you for prioritizing your gym habits over social gatherings, you really question their sanity.
I mean, wouldn't you rather work toward a sustainable and healthy lifestyle than a casual Tuesday night blackout?
For more of her thoughts, humor and ridiculous opinions follow Ashley Fern on Instagram and Twitter.