9 Signs You've Found The Man You Should Make Your Husband
There's one thing we're all chasing after. One force that trumps money, power or reason, and that very closely dictates the kind of people we become. And it's love.
Falling in love is like coming home. Your worries are quieted and you feel protected in your partner's arms. The man you give your heart to just feels right.
When you're deep in love, it's hard not to picture the rest of your life with that other person. But how do we know for certain that it's real forever and not just a current fantasy?
Perhaps we're a little old-fashioned, but we like to believe that marriage -- for better or for worse -- is sacred for life. Here are the nine signs you've found the man you want to spend the rest of your life with:
1. You don't need to be “on” in front of him
Good days and bad days, he understands who you are and doesn't expect you to be anyone but yourself. In his eyes, you're special by just being you. There's no pretending.
During those lazy times when all you want to do is lounge in stained sweatpants and not formulate sentences, he gets it because he's right there with you. You can totally be yourself -- whatever mood you're in -- and he always thinks you shine.
2. Your happiness is his happiness, and vice versa
You know he's the one because he's good to you in ways that you've never thought possible. He wants what's best for you, even if it comes at a cost to him.
The man you marry gives selflessly, as your interests are now his interests. In fact, he thinks he's being selfish when he indulges in you because it brings him pleasure, too.
To that end, he can balance ambitions at work with ambitions at home. Some stages or careers are more difficult than others, but he finds ways to let you know he hasn't forgotten about you.
3. Even at the end of a really bad day, all you want is to be with him
No matter what kind of crummy mood you're in, you'd rather be with him than be alone, for you're better with him than without him.
He patiently listens while you speak your mind and he won't invalidate your concerns with his honest feedback. His confidence and passion positively influence your own, which makes your relationship all the more exciting. You want to be near him, always.
4. The attraction is palpable
Physically, emotionally and mentally, you two are compatible on all those levels. The chemistry between you both is powerful enough to block everything else out. Sometimes it feels like it's just him that really matters.
Even doing the littlest things together, such as running to the grocery store, feel more special because he's around. The attraction is pervasive from the bedroom to the most platonic of places, like the doctor's office. You can't keep your hands off each other and you certainly aren't holding back.
5. You want to share every experience with him
When you envision your future, he has a major role in it (and vice versa). The idea of spending the rest of your life with him doesn't scare you. Being by his side is where you feel most comfortable.
When something funny happens or you receive good news, you immediately want to share it with him first. When a cheesy love song comes through your headphones, you instinctively think of him.
From what he ate for lunch to what he's currently watching on television, you're interested in all that he does. And, while you sometimes hate to admit this, you're more inclined to do something if he's part of it. That's just what companionship is to you.
6. You have the same idea of romance
Sometimes you feel like you're in a “Twilight” movie with all this inexplicable magic and love buzzing around. Whatever your definition of romance is -- intimate dinners, long road trips, cuddling in bed -- he shares in it and will go the extra step to make that happen.
He won't shy away from pouring his heart out or opening up to you because he trusts you and wants to connect with you on a deeper level. He'll always be your man, but he's not afraid to show you a softer side either.
7. You love more than you fight
It never feels good to fight because you care too much about him to hurt him. The compromise always seems like the best option because you both can be happy. But at the end of the day, you really can't stay mad at each other for long.
8. He not only listens to you, but he also hears what you're saying
He can read between the lines and anticipate your needs without you having to communicate them all the time. He's thoughtful and well-intentioned like that.
He knows what you are trying to say without having to always explain yourself. You help each other grow and become the people you want to be.
9. He accepts you as you are
You're messier, louder and maybe less funny, but he loves you for it. He makes you feel good about all those things you might dislike about yourself.
And he brags about you to his friends because he's so proud to call you his own. You would brag more, except everyone already knows how enamored you are.
He knows everything about you -- good and bad -- and appreciates both because it's all part of who you are.
You are his, he is yours and suddenly it all feels comfortingly simple.