
He's Not An Asshole... You're Just Terrible

by Ally Batista

Almost every single day I see a startling amount of females complaining online about the same topic: men (or boys in their opinions) and how awful a species they are. These women portray themselves as if they were victims of some crime punishable by death judging by the way they complain about the pain certain men have caused them.

Every time I see such complaints, the same thought goes through my mind, but I never have anywhere to put said thought. So I’m just going to throw it out there… you can take it and run with it, ignore it, contemplate it, whatever you please, but have you ever thought that maybe… just maybe… it’s not the guy’s fault?

Maybe, you just fucking suck. Have you ever thought about that? Not everyone living person on this planet is meant for everyone else, so have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, the guy who you’ve been pursuing/talking to/whatever, just maybe isn’t that into you? Is that okay? Is that allowed?

Yes, it is allowed. Don’t call a guy an asshole because he wanted to hit it and quit it. He’s a guy, he has hormones, and after all, you let him. So now you’re going to blame him and complain to all your friends about it and go re-tweeting tweets from The Notebook to cope with the fact that you and you alone made the decision to submit your virtue to said guy? I don’t think so.

Don’t call a guy an asshole because he doesn’t want to be in a serious relationship with you. He clearly just doesn’t like you enough. There’s nothing wrong with you, he just doesn’t feel the chemistry.

If he doesn’t feel the chemistry, why do you want to be with him so badly anyway? Relationships stem from both parties having strong feelings for each other, not just one-sided feelings from one person who just wants to get their way more than the other.

Don’t call a guy an asshole when he stops texting you everyday. He probably found someone else, got bored, or simply doesn’t feel like being on his phone all day. I hate being on my phone all day, and I’m a female. Imagine how much guys hate texting 24/7? Just leave him alone. If he wants to talk to you, he’ll talk to you.

Females who bitch that guys are assholes are most likely the one's who are the most outward bitches to the guys they meet.  Don’t try and tell me you’ve never rudely blown off someone who’s approached you in a bar.

Don’t act like you’ve never given someone your number but changed the last digit so that that person is incapable of actually contacting you. And  let's be honest here, you’d be straight up lying if you told me you never stood a guy up.

This is what people our age do. We play the field until we find someone we actually want to settle down with, not settle for. Ladies, complain all you want about how much of an “asshole” he’s being, but do something you’ve never done before, and think before you speak. I guarantee that you’re just as much of a pain in the ass to deal with.

Ally | Elite.

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