The Secrets Behind Seducing A Hot Girl
Seducing a hot girl is NOTHING like hitting on any old plain Jane – it’s a whole different ball game. Why? Because hot girls get hit on ALL the time. If you want to distinguish yourself from every other “hey beautiful – come here often?” douchebag, be prepared to switch up your game.
A lot of men are afraid to approach hot girls because they’re considered anti-social – they’re not. They’re just so over getting hit on by every asshole in the world that they’ve developed a wall, a bitch-shield if you will. If you’re going to go into the pick-up with the mindset that she’s going to be a bitch to you, guess what? She will be!
It’s important to realize that when trying to seduce beautiful women, they are not being mean if they come off bitchy at first. They’re just being time efficient. They need to be standoffish at first to make sure that you have a set of balls and once they see that you are indeed a suitor to be reckoned with, , they’ll start relaxing back into their natural personality.
Here are a few tactics you can employ to show her your balls – figuratively.
Don’t compliment her
A hot girl knows she’s hot – she gets complimented ALL the time, and frankly, it gets a little old. If you open with a compliment, she pretty much knows that she has you eating out of her hands already and she’ll walk all over you.
If you show disinterest in her looks, this plays on her self-confidence. While hot girls know that they’re beautiful, they’re also starkly aware that there is always going to be a prettier girl than her out there. As soon as you don’t focus on her looks, it makes her question herself, she becomes a little less confident, and frankly she’ll be a little less bitchy.
Open with something which makes her question herself and throw her off guard, but is not an insult. Something like “You have a really pretty face – why are you hiding it behind so much makeup?”
Make her work for it
Once she realizes that you’re not interested in her looks, she will want to know WHY you don’t think she’s good looking. The following thoughts will go through her mind – why isn’t he fawning over me like all other guys? Is it because he’s accustomed to hanging out with really hot girls?
Why would he have a harem of really hot girls? He must have really high standards. Is he rich? Is he someone famous? I MUST get him to like me! Much like you men, girls also like the idea of a challenge – especially hot girls since they are rarely challenged by men.
She wants to know more, and all of a sudden, the tables have turned; she is interested in finding out more about you.
Focus on other girls
Don’t always hit on the superhot girl – go for one of her average looking friends first. Let’s face it – hot girls always like to surround themselves with lesser attractive friends so they are 100% sure that they’re the shit.
If you play her at her own game and hit on one of her friends first, not only will she like you more because she’s sick of men hitting on her all the time, but she will also wonder why you’re not hitting on her. It’s an easy way to make her jealous AND look like a stand-up guy.
Finally – if it doesn’t work out with the hottie, you still have invested enough time in the ugly friend to know that she’ll fuck you.
Leave her hanging
Always have the last word. Just when she thinks you’re about to strike and ask her for her number, say something like “It was nice to meet you – have a great night” and walk away. Hot girls aren’t used to that, and it’ll get her thinking – "why doesn’t he want my number?!"
Be an Alpha Male
Being an alpha male means showing that you are a man of will, character and you do not need a woman to live. You value and know who you are, know what you want and how to get it. A prime example of how being an alpha male pays off is when my husband and I first started dating:
We were walking to a bar to grab an after dinner drink. I was in an especially bitchy mood that night and started to complain about how my Louboutins were not suitable for the 5 block walk to the bar, so my soon-to-be husband suggested we grab a cab. I refused, saying that I’ll stick it out, but then spent the entire time complaining about how my feet hurt.
After about 5 minutes of listening to me complain, he pulled a cab over and opened the door for me. I happily jumped in thinking he had come to his senses. He then shut the door in my face, gave the cab driver the address of my apartment and headed to the bar without me.
He has had me eating out of his hands ever since.
@_Trophy_Wife | Elite.