'Human Ken Doll' Dumps Barbie Look-Alike GF Because She Dyed Her Hair Brown
Talk about superficial relationships.
A man who spent over $100,000 to look like a real-life Ken doll recently called things off with his Barbie-lookalike girlfriend because... well... she dyed her hair brown.
Scandal. I know.
24-year-old Quentin Dehar lives in France and has dedicated his life to becoming the most Ken-like human possible.
So you can imagine his joy when he found a Barbie IRL.
Dehar believed he had finally found "the one" when he met Anastasia Reskoss in 2013, who also dropped over $160,000 on plastic surgery to look like the iconic Barbie doll.
Together, the couple embarked on a journey to be the most life-like dolls possible, even purchasing cars, similar to those of the actual Ken and Barbie dolls, to further their transformations.
But alas, even Ken and Barbie found trouble in paradise.
The relationship took a turn when Reskoss decided to dye her hair a darker brown and leave the iconic, Barbie blonde behind.
Dehar told MailOnline,
I realized we were growing apart for a while, but the final straw was when she dyed her hair from blonde to a very dark brown. Ken does not like brunette girls! I wanted to spend the rest of our lives together morphing into the Ken and Barbie dolls we love, but Anastasia was no longer committed to that dream.
Oof. Brutal.
Dehar went on to explain that while he does meet many women (he likes to call them "bimbos"), he finds they're usually in it for the fame that comes with dating him.
He explained, "Most of these girls just want the fame and popularity that comes with being with the 'French Ken.'"
Now, it seems Dehar has another problem on his hands in addition to his breakup.
After getting in a severe car accident, doctors discovered Dehar's several nose jobs made his nose too small, so it's difficult for him to breath.
He said,
Having the complete Ken aesthetic is priceless for me and I've always believed it's necessary to suffer to be beautiful. But my nose has become too tiny after all my nose jobs and I do have quite serious respiratory problems now. My doctors were very concerned and they have advised that I redo my nose so I don't suffer more in the future. But that won't stop me from having other surgeries - I love being Ken.
I hope Dehar and Reskoss continue to live their lives plastically ever after.
Citations: Human ken doll who has spent £92,000 to look like the Mattel toy breaks up with his Barbie lookalike girlfriend… because she dyed her hair BROWN Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4252306/Human-ken-doll-dumps-girlfriend-dying-hair.html#ixzz4ZWbf8qwm Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook (MailOnline)