Everything I Want To Say To The Woman I Will Marry Some Day
To my future wife,
I can't say there are many things in life that I value over you. Although we haven't met, I think about you every day. I relish in thinking of all the amazing things we're going to do together in life. I know that all of the things it takes to make life seem fulfilled will be simplified once I'm with you.
Although I doubt you'll be able to cure my wanderlust, my insane curiosity and my constant need for mental stimulation, I'm sure you'll contribute greatly to making all of these more pleasurable and attainable. Nothing will be more amazing than the simple bliss of sharing my presence with you.
I will truly appreciate you and everything about you. The creative way you speak, your addictive laugh, your aesthetic smile, your style, the swagger in your walk, your perfectly carved out lips, your impeccable smile, your beautiful imperfections, your quick wit, your genuine personality, your broad perspective on life, your prolific intelligence, your candid opinions, your passion and more.
You are truly one of a kind, and I won't ever take you for granted. I really can't wait to start a life with you, and often wonder about how we're going to meet and all the logistics. I have a feeling it's going to happen when we're least expecting it, and will happen in a natural and congruent manner.
I can't say I'm not impatient to meet you, but I know that however long it takes for us to cross paths in life, it's going to be worth the wait. I know all of my prior relationships and sexual encounters are preparing me for the best: for you.
Knowing this, I will be patient and open minded to our first chance encounter. The paths we're both currently on is happening for a reason. All of the weird and crazy sh*t that's happening in life is all going to add up to that one moment -- that quick, brief, subtle moment -- when we somehow manage to cross paths. I can't wait to experience the moment when it's the first day of the rest of our lives together.
Timing is everything, and the world will only bring us together when we are ready. We will both be living amazing and fulfilling lives on our own, and will both be secure with ourselves when we're ready to be together. We will both be emotionally healthy and know what we want in life, and will be able to truly open up to each other.
I'm sorry, but until it's the right time, we're not going to fit into each other's lives. As much as we might want to meet each other already, life won't let it happen. Life knows what we both deserve, and we can't force our love until it's the right moment. But as we keep progressing in life, each moment is one closer till the day we fall in love. Knowing this makes life worth living. You motivate me, you inspire me, you bring out the best in me and I'm willing to do anything in the world to make you the happiest girl alive.
You are my dream girl, you are the girl I'm proud to call my life partner. You are worth fighting for, you are worth the late-night phone calls, you are worth losing sleep over, you are worth going to your parents' house for dinner, you are worth waiting for.
I don't know what you're going to look like, but I know the feeling I'm going to have when I see you; that feeling is going to be priceless. There are 3.5 billion girls in the world, but you're the one I want. I promise I won't settle for anyone else but you.