A woman tells her boyfriend she can't stop thinking about him.

Here Are 13 Signs You're Head Over Heels In Love With Your Boo

If you can't stop thinking about them, then you've def got it bad. 💕

by Paul Hudson
Originally Published: 
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Falling in love isn’t as obvious as you'd think. There's no such thing as love at first sight — not real love, anyway. Love takes time to build; it requires nurturing. Even falling in love takes time, especially if we’re still recovering from previous relationships. If you can’t stop thinking about him or can’t get enough of her and it’s a new relationship, then you might want to hit pause and try to decipher some of your current feelings. Don’t beat yourself up by asking yourself, “Why can’t I stop thinking about him?” over and over. Just take a few deep breaths and try to be kind to yourself.

First of all, there’s no “normal” amount of time you should be thinking about your partner daily or wanting to see them, according to marriage and family therapist Nicole Richardson. As long as you’re happy and excited about the relationship, you’re in a good place. “In a healthy relationship, it would not be surprising to think about your partner several times throughout the day,” Richardson previously told Elite Daily. “In times of stress, it would also be common to think about them even more.”

Sometimes, though, love sneaks up on you, and you don't realize you’re in love until the second you fall into it. Instead, the realization takes the form of an epiphany and hits you when you least expect it. You have to be in love first in order to understand you are in love — it’s only logical. There are, however, some little signs that let you know when it’s time to let yourself fall.

You May Be In Love If You Want To See Your Partner Daily

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You always seem to have a great time when the two of you spend time together and find you’d be happy to see them whenever. You’re more than likely having to hold yourself back from asking to see this person for the fifth day in a row, but you sort of miss them. Plus, you know your day will get that much better as soon as you start chatting. That’s true love, y’all.

You May Be In Love If You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Partner

This is how it all begins: First, you think about them on occasion. Then you think about them once or twice a day, and eventually you can’t stop thinking about him or her at all. Love and obsession go hand in hand — the obsession part is what we call romantic love. Obsessions don’t form overnight, but take time to build. If you’re already thinking about them with growing regularity, you may very well be falling for this person.

You May Be In Love If Your Partner Is The First Person You Want To Tell Good News

When there’s no one special in your life, you might reach out to a parent or BFF to tell them you just got a promotion or raise at work. But when you’re starting to fall for someone, they’ll be the first person you want to tell everything to.

You May Be In Love If Just The Thought Of Your Partner Makes You Smile

You can’t help it. And you know what? You wouldn’t help it, even if you could. Just one thought about that face of theirs, and you can’t help but feel
 happier. A person who can make you smile without even being present is a person worth keeping around. They quite literally make your life more enjoyable and better. If you have someone in your life who makes you shine those pearly whites, consider yourself lucky, because feeling true love is rare.

You May Be In Love If You Spend Hours Getting Ready To See Your Partner

This one is easiest to overlook, as we’re too busy running around and prepping to even realize how much effort we’re putting into it. But if you always try to look, smell, and taste your best, you may be in love. It may take you twice as long to get ready before seeing them, but you don’t care. To you, it's worth the trouble.

You May Be In Love If You Constantly Check Their Social Media Accounts

Especially if your special someone is not currently with you, it can be a rush of excitement to check out what your love is up to when they aren’t around. If you particularly notice their lit up circle at the top of your Instagram page more than others, you could be seriously starting to fall.

You May Be In Love If You Feel A Little Bit Nervous Around Your Partner

You’ve seen them tens or even hundreds of times, and you nevertheless still get those butterflies flapping around in your stomach. You know you have no reason to be nervous in your relationship, but at the same time, the excitement you feel can’t be helped. Besides, you sort of like feeling this way.

You May Be In Love If You Can’t Stop Looking Into Your Partner’s Eyes

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I mean, you like looking at the rest of them as well. But the eyes especially draw you in. It’s because you see something in them you aren’t used to seeing. In their eyes, you both see the person few people know them to be, as well as a bit of yourself. You aren’t sure if it’s because you were always a little part of your boo or if you’ve recently become a part of them, but you’re certain you now are.

You May Be In Love If Your Partner Feels Like Home

With them, you can be yourself. You can say what you want to say and laugh at what you want. You get to take off the mask you put on for the rest of the world to see and just be yourself. Everyone needs a home — or rather, to feel like they have a home. Many times our actual abode doesn’t feel like our home. Often, we find the city or even the country we’re living in doesn’t feel like home. Finding a home that feels like home is difficult. If you find the one who feels like home, hold onto them. When it comes to homes, we often don’t realize how much we need them until we lose them.

You May Be In Love If You Trust Your Partner’s Opinions & Advice

Some people believe opposites attract, while others will argue just the opposite. The truth is it doesn’t matter whether or not you have the same hobbies, listen to the same music, or like the same sorts of movies. All that really matters when it comes to finding a life partner is how much you value their opinion. It’s those we can look to for advice — those whom we trust to know the solution to our problems or the best way to approach our problems — we value most. And rightfully so.

You May Be In Love If Just Sleeping Next To Your Partner Makes You Happy

There's no feeling in the world worse than waking up next to someone you don’t want to be waking up next to, but there's none better than waking up next to someone you truly want to wake up next to. Sure, if they knew you were watching them sleep, it might creep them out a bit, but you like watching them sleep. Not for hours... just for a minute before you hop out of bed. Most of what makes relationships magical happens in bed. This is one of those moments.

You May Be In Love If You Feel Jealous When Your Partner Isn’t Available

What could he or she possibly be doing that's more important than texting you back? Well, there’s a million different possible reasons, like... they’re busy. You know you’re just being silly and the last thing you plan on doing is letting them know how being left on read is making you feel, but still
 you can’t help it.

You May Be In Love If You Worry About Your Partner’s Safety

This one is a bit more obvious than the rest, but many times, it isn’t enough to allow us to admit to ourselves we’re in love. It is, however, usually enough for us to allow ourselves to admit we care about this individual. Caring is step one of falling in love. You could say as the level of caring increases, it becomes love.

Remember, even though thinking about a new love or crush can be exciting and even good for you, you want to pay close attention and make sure it doesn’t go overboard. According to Richardson, it might become a problem when it starts to sidetrack you from your to-do list. “‘Too often’ may be when you are distracted and struggle to complete tasks,” Richardson explained.

Besides, making sure you stay focused on your career and other friendships will help free your mind to enjoy the personal time you get to spend with your new love even more.


Nicole Richardson, marriage and family therapist

Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.

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