Personal Matchmaking Might Just Be The Answer To Single Millennials' Prayers
If you asked Millennials what the biggest problem they're currently facing is, I bet you the majority would respond with their dating life. Somehow, an overly social generation of men and women are lacking in the most social area of all: dating.
It appears that as technological advances are increasing, personal interactions are only decreasing.
From Tinder to Hinge and every awful dating experience in between, it should come as no surprise that the personal matchmaking industry is on the up and up. Elite Daily spoke with Talia Goldstein, CEO and Cofounder of the Three Day Rule, and NYC matchmaker Erika Gershowitz to shed some light on this emerging market.
The three-day rule is the period of time that most guys think they're supposed to wait before contacting a girl. It came from the 1996 movie "Swingers," which means the three-day rule has been around years before Tinder, Gchat, Hinge, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat made their mark.
Waiting three days is totally outdated, but sadly enough, people are still following this "rule." And do you know who follows rules? People who want to play games, and maybe they haven't realized it yet, but your love life is anything but a game.
Which is exactly where Three Day Rule matchmaking comes into play. While you're taking a gym class, or out to dinner with your college roommate, your TDR matchmaker is out there trying to find you your ideal match. But wait... isn't that what Tinder is for? Absolutely not.
Personalized matchmaking digs deeper than just a small photo on a public page; it seeks to find your most-compatible match possible. To get started, you'll meet with and discuss qualities you're looking for in a partner. From there, you leave the heavy lifting to the professionals.
Your matchmakers go out and meet your potential matches in person for you and then decide who you'd be most compatible with.
So why work with a matchmaker? Can't you just go to a bar and meet people on your own? Wrong.
According to Talia and Erika, matchmakers provide a huge "sense of relief" when someone else is doing the looking for you, because when the time comes for you to step in, you're only meeting with "high-quality, pre-screened matches." So basically, your matchmaker weeds through all the thorns and you get left with a rose.
But that's not all. Your matchmakers will even debrief with you following the first date. Feedback?! You mean you can find out exactly what you did wrong and what type of impression you left on a potential partner? Since we're all too familiar with that feeling of uncertainty following a date, knowing what we did wrong is a huge relief.
Your matchmaker isn't going to tell you what to do and not to do, but he or she will be able to shed light on behaviors you might not have realized you were doing.
After each date, your potential partner will call TDR and give feedback on your date. Then, your matchmaker tells you what, if anything, went wrong. Sounds too good to be true? Well, lucky for you, it isn't.
This all seems so easy, so why are Millennials having such a hard time finding love? Some think that living in a city as populated as NYC would mean the dating possibilities are endless, but Talia and Erika reveal that most times, Millennials are "missing ample opportunities" to meet potential mates, or we're just too oblivious to see opportunities as they're happening.
Millennials have dating ADD. They can't focus. They go on a date and while their date is in the bathroom they are on Tinder looking for another date. If they get in a fight with someone they're dating, they immediately go search for someone else online.
Well that sounds fairly accurate, doesn't it?
Millennials also have a hard time knowing the other person's real intentions. Is it a date? Does he just want to have sex? Is he even interested in me? All those burning questions that you're dying to know, but too scared to ask, your matchmaker will ask for you.
You don't have to worry about freaking someone out by asking their stance on marriage, religion and children because you'll already have those answers before you even go on the date.
Now, in the real world, without assistance, how many dates over how many months do you think it would take to even broach these topics? Exactly...
So before you swear off love, and after you've deactivated your Tinder profile for the ninth time this month, try the Three Day Rule and watch your life change for the better.
They guarantee that you won't be disappointed.