21 Men Honestly Explain Why They Send Dick Pics
You're surveying the singles app scene, innocently browsing profiles in pursuit of Mr. Right, finding a contender and promptly interacting with said contender.
There, in all its veiny glory, is a man's (whom you don't even know) most private area.
Choosing not to interact after being confronted with such a graphic, non-consenting image, you figure you'll end the communication there. Prince Charming this man is not.
But it doesn't end there. He takes offense to your silence and defensively reacts by calling you a “tease” or even something far, far worse.
I know women don't like receiving dick pics, and with the ample media out there confirming this fact, I'd like to think most men know this as well. But evidently, they don't. Or they do, and they don't care.
As somebody who has never once sent a woman a picture of my dick (not even to my fiancée — she can see it whenever she wants), I don't understand the appeal.
Why would you give somebody something they vehemently don't want? (Which, by the way, is the same question I've asked my Aunt Linda after years and years of receiving terrible, ill-fitting gifts from her on holidays.)
To find out, I spoke with a few men who have admitted to sending dick pics to women who've never asked for them. I found these guys with the help of cougar dating site Toyboy Warehouse, who asked their male audience to anonymously provide some input (hey, it's tough, and potentially awkward, to get this kind of information from another dude).
While I appreciate their brutal honesty, the results are actually quite disappointing.
See how 21 men — whose names have been changed — justify their decisions to send unwarranted pictures of their dicks below:
It's what you do after messaging someone for quite a while. It's fun to send naughty pics.
-- Nate, 26
Bored, TBH.
-- Shawn, 32
It's sad when you really think about it. I guess I'm just a little lonely.
-- Travis, 25
I sent one to a girl once, and she posted it on Facebook. I denied it was me. That was the last time I did it. That was murder!
-- Bryan, 22
There were a couple of times when ladies sent some to me, so I only send some back then. I've never done it first.
-- Brad, 25
It's a turn-on. I don't really do normal chat. I'm on dating apps to sext.
-- Aiden, 22
Just bored.
-- Grant, 25
There have been girls who are into it and send pictures back. It's a numbers game: send lots and get a couple of saucy pics back.
-- Ted, 27
Don't know.
-- Chris, 25
I did it once and regretted it.
-- Ryan, 33
Just a joke really.
-- Sean, 29
I'm on 'relationship' sites, and I'm also on sites specifically for sexting (Tinder, obviously). It's just what you do. I've gotten into quite a few arguments about it. If they don't want picture messages, then why are they on apps like Tinder?
-- Trevor, 33
Yeah, I've sent 'rude' picture messages, but only ever to someone I was dating (and we had talked about it before). I don't really know why guys do it unsolicited. I guess it's a way to instigate sexual activity quickly. It's a turn-on for them even if it isn't for the woman.
-- Carm, 21
Done it with girlfriends only. It must be a bit gross if you don't know the person.
-- Frank, 35
Cuts to the chase.
-- Francis, 23
We were messaging quite a lot. Things started to get a little frisky, and I thought I'd spice things up and ask if she wanted to send picture messages to each other. I've only really done that with one woman, and I do wonder where the images are now.
-- Chris, 25
Do it. I've gotten banned from quite a few dating sites. Sometimes, the women are into it.
-- Barry, 33
I've done it a couple of times. They don't respond after.
-- Rob, 33
I'm pretty sure we've all done it at least once or so. My reason, I think, was just the 'voyeurism' aspect of it -- the hopes that the girl would comment back with 'nice dick' or something. I'm pretty sure the number one reason why guys, including myself, send pics is in hopes that the girl will reciprocate and respond with nudes.
-- Steve, 29
Prior to my marriage a few years ago, I had a short, mostly sexual relationship with a woman who is still into me. We text each other once in a while, and I send her pics. She is still unattached, and she asks me for them. Frequently, the pics are taken when I'm masturbating, and sometimes, they include other paraphernalia I might be using at the time. She comments on how much they turn her on and how she gets off on them, and she usually asks for more. So now, when I'm alone and gratifying myself, I take a pic with her in mind. It's good for my ego, too. I honestly do hope she finds someone who makes her happy, so she won't rely on me for this sort of thing.
-- Gary, 49
I was on a dating app that allowed you to send pictures. Because it was that kind of app, I sent quite a few. I don't know why I do it. I was just feeling horny.
-- Justin, 29
So there you have it: 21 reasons men send dick pics. Do you hate us yet? Have you concluded being single is the better option?
Let me first say not all of us are like this. Of all the people questioned by Toyboy Warehouse, more than half admitted they've never sent a dick pic, so there are still gentlemen out there. Don't give up on us just yet.
Personally speaking, I believe a big reason men send dick pics is because we don't understand how the opposite sex operates. Guys LOVE receiving nude pictures, as we tend to be more visual in our attraction and assume you're the same way. But you aren't. Not always, at least.
I'm not excusing these actions. I'm merely trying to provide an overview that sums up the responses I received. While none of the reasons above seem intentionally vicious, they don't seem remotely considerate either.
And while I'd like to say the dick pic phenomenon is on its way out, that doesn't seem to be the case. Like a stimulated penis, this trend keeps growing.
For men, dick pics are the new selfie.