These 6 Compliments Will Probably Make A Girl’s Day
A little genuine kindness goes a long way.
If you haven't noticed yet, I've been doing my best to help you understand what women want and how to keep them around. And I've witnessed a lot of dumb lemon-head behavior in my day, so you could use a little help. By now, you should know how to attract a lady and how to give her the right amount of attention without scaring her off. But if you’re wondering, “Do girls like compliments?,” then you probs don’t know what sort of things girls like to hear. Luckily, anyone needing some compliments for girls and femmes has come to the right place.
Explaining the female mindset from a broad point of view is great and all, but sometimes you still don't know what to do with that information. Like, what are you actually supposed to say to a girl, without her taking it the wrong way? Some guys have likely had the experience of attempting to harmlessly compliment a woman by saying, “You look really nice today.” You hope that she'll thank you and see you for the charming romantic you are. But no, she gives you a dirty look and replies, “What, I don't look good every day?” before storming off. Awesome. Great. Super. And that’s why you have to learn how to compliment her the right way.
Some women are impossibly picky with how they want to be complimented. Say something too forward and you're offensive; say something overly platonic, and she doesn't get the hint. It seems like you can't win, but you actually can. I promise. Most men have egos, obviously; our patriarchal social system is basically a product of the male ego. However, something rarely stressed is that women have egos, too. Big ones. Monstrous, buff, protein-drink-chugging egos that will smash a chair over your back. More often than not, the blame for our melodramatic outbursts is misplaced and credited to all women being overemotional or neurotic. In reality, we're usually pissed off because of a blow to our ego that triggered our defense systems.
I mean, really think about it, and think about it in the context of dating. Why are some women competitive with other women? Because our egos (and thousands of years of evolution) fuel us to be the most dynamic, attractive, and capable female in the room. Why do some women feel the need to control their boyfriends' extracurricular lives outside of the relationship? Because our egos make us afraid of being walked all over like a doormat. Why do we waste our time on men who ignore us? Because our egos persuade us to conquer them.
Mess with a woman's ego, and there will be hell to pay. Screaming matches, subtweets, breaking into your phone — the torture will not end until we say it ends. You are more likely to see God himself than to win an argument with a defensive woman. Fortunately for the beaus and hubbies of the world, you can easily prevent this drama with just a few words. Compliments, my friends. Compliments are the solution to making your girl feel confident, secure, and most importantly, to keep her from yelling at you. So when it comes to questioning, “do girls like compliments?,” the answer is a resounding yes — but only if it’s the right type of compliment.
I figured it would be most helpful to confer with other women and find out which sweet nothings make them feel all warm and fuzzy toward men. The common consensus was that women value compliments on their personality and mannerisms over their physicality, and that occasional compliments are more effective sedatives than expensive presents. These are the six compliments your girl really wants to hear.
“The way you *insert specific mannerism here* is really adorable.”
If you're nervous about seeming too forward, affectionately showing adoration for an involuntary quirk is a precious way to show that you're paying attention to her. We rarely forget things like this, and will appreciate something sweet and subtle more than “Baby, yo butt is like a planet.” One sweet compliment I will never forget: “The way you scrunch your nose when you laugh is so cute.” Ugh, talk about melting my heart.
“Can I get your opinion on something? You always have such a great perspective.”
Intelligent conversations feel like dry-humping with your brain. Letting her know that not only do you think she's smart, but that you also respect her point of view will develop your intellectual chemistry. She'll see you as more than the guy that buys her food. She'll finally recognize you as a guy with partner-in-crime potential.
“I feel so comfortable with you, like I can really be myself.”
Vulnerability wins you points on points on points. Semi-reluctant vulnerability is even more endearing, and makes a girl feel like she's your weakness. This applies to both relationships and strong friendships: Admitting that you can be open makes the other person willing to reciprocate and feel safer engaging with you.
“You taste amazing.”
Say this when you're… you know… doing that thing… down there. You're not saying vagina in general tastes amazing — you're saying her vagina tastes amazing. I don't know how self-conscious guys are about their eggplants, but some people are self-conscious about their vaginas. We have virtually no realistic barometer for how one should look, taste, or smell, so a little verbal encouragement helps. If you sense shyness or insecurity during oral sex, tell her how good she tastes and how incredible she feels. She'll be busting it wide open in no time.
“Everyone in this room has been staring at you.”
This one is my absolute fave. Many women want to be desired, and we also enjoy being desired by men outside of our relationship. It doesn't even have anything to do with wanting to have sex with other guys — outside sources of desire plus your jealousy equal us feeling prettier and more like Beyoncé. It's true.
While you're out on a date night, at a work event, or at a birthday party (not when you're walking by, like, a line of leering construction workers), pull her close and whisper in her ear that every guy keeps checking her out. If you really want to make her entire day, follow up with a protective squeeze around her waist or a territorial kiss. You're showing that not only is she sexy, but that you want her all to yourself.
“You have the best laugh.”
Let’s be honest: Without their inside jokes, relationships would be pretty boring. So make sure you let your SO know that you love it when you get to hear them laugh. Plus, saying this can add a sweet touch to any funny moment.
Bonus points if you follow it up with, “I love making you laugh.” It’s a similar line, but it adds another level of care to the compliment, reminding your person that you always want to contribute to their happiness.
These lines are best used on a girl with whom you are comfortable and familiar. You have to have at least some level of friendship for these compliments to be sincere, because it is important to make them unique to her. And if you're skeptical of building your boo up too much, knock it off. The alternative is to never verbalize the nice things you think about her, so that she can remain either insecure about your feelings for her, or get that validation from someone else.
No matter how confident a girl is on her own, we appreciate being appreciated.