Abby Lee Miller Opens Up About Her Prison Fears: "I'm Just Entering The Abyss" – EXCLUSIVE
Abby Lee Miller, owner of the Abby Lee Miller Dance Company and star of Lifetime's Dance Moms, is confirmed to begin serving her year-and-one-day prison sentence on Wednesday, July 12, according to Entertainment Tonight.
On July 9, only three days before her sentence begins, Elite Daily spoke with Miller on the carpet for Marvel LIVE! at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.
The 50-year-old reality star was found guilty of bankruptcy this May and revealed her biggest fears and preparation plans before she serves her sentence.
On what she's most worried about, Miller said,
It's the unknown. I'm just entering the abyss. Everybody I ask tells me something completely different. They've hired specialists that are authorities on this and they have contradicting answers to my questions and that's how a lot of the problems started -- with asking people... I got one answer and I'd do that and then go 'Oh, woah, that's not the right answer.' So then I asked somebody else what to do and they'd give me a different answer and I'd say, 'OK fine let's do this.'
The famed choreographer added,
I'm scared about my health and getting medical care while I'm there. And I have really bad knees and I just found out I had a back injury from childhood that I didn't even know I had, so just standing in cement and having good shoes and all that.
In addition to her 366-day sentence, Judge Joy Flowers Conti put Miller on a two-year probation after she finishes serving her time and a $40,000 fine.
Miller was accused of attempting to hide $755,000 worth of income from Dance Moms, in October 2015. In June 2015, she pleaded guilty to one count of not reporting over $10,000 and one count of bankruptcy fraud, although she was charged with "20 counts of bankruptcy fraud, concealing assets, and one criminal count involving international monetary information," as ET reports.
She will begin serving her time this Wednesday, July 12, at the FCI Victorville facility in Victorville, California.