
Emily Blunt Gushes Over Husband John Krasinski: 'He Is My Perfect Man'

by Anna Menta

Can John Krasinski and Emily Blunt please chill on being perfect, just for like two seconds?

Emily Blunt thinks John Krasinski is perfect. John Krasinski thinks Emily Blunt is perfect. Their parenting is perfect. Their relationship is just perfect, perfect, perfect.

Everything about them is PERFECT and I am FED UP WITH IT!

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Emily said her husband of six years is her "perfect man." (Shocker!)

She was there promoting her new film, "The Girl on the Train," in which her character is obsessed with her neighboring couple who has, in her mind, a perfect relationship.

So the interviewer asked Emily whether she believes a perfect relationship can exist. Emily responded,

I think it depends on your idea of perfection. It shouldn't be an ethereal thing that you can't reach. I think that everyone's version of perfect is different.

The interviewer went ahead and went for the kill shot: Is John Emily's perfect man?

Emily laughed and said,

I knew you were going there! He is my perfect man, you know, he is funny and warm and bright and confident and a sort of emboldening person to be around.

OK, so you know what this answer is? It's nuanced, thoughtful and sweet. It is, in short, the PERFECT ANSWER.


All I'm asking is for a little bit of dysfunction, a little bit of jealousy or insecurity or SOMETHING to stop making me doubt every relationship I've ever had.

Anyways, Emily went on in the interview to talk about her perfect family and how John is perfect with their two-year-old daughter and new baby girl. Ugh.

She said,

[John will] throw Hazel on the back of a bike and take off somewhere and go on some crazy adventure. He is so hands-on and so committed.


Citations: EXCLUSIVE: Emily Blunt Gushes About Husband John Krasinski: 'He's the Perfect Man' (Entertainment Tonight)