
Kim Kardashian Is Pissing Everyone Off With Her 'Amazing Diet' Trick

by Stephanie Ironson

As a pop culture enthusiast, nothing gives me more life than when a celebrity gets their foot so far stuck in their own mouth they start gasping for breath.

Foot-in-mouth syndrome is the most relatable trait celebrities have. They say things they clearly don't mean, but we're allowed to critique them whenever word-vomit pours out of their mouths onto the unexpecting public; it's truly humanizing.

There was that time Lena Dunham said wished she had an abortion, the time Raven Symoné said she wouldn't hire someone with a "black-sounding name," literally everything Stacey Dash has ever blurted out and, now, Kim Kardashian saying "the flu can be an amazing diet."


Kim kan't katch a break, but she kan katch a kold.

Kim sent this tweet on April 19, only 12 days before this year's Met Gala on May 1.

Last Met Gala, Kim Kardashian and husband Kanye West stole the show with their freaky eyes, so everyone is ready to gawk and gasp at whatever Kimye does this year.


While perhaps Kimmy was in a flu-induced state when she tweeted about her new favorite diet, she obviously received a ton of flack for promoting influenza as if it was a Fit Tea ad and consequently deleted the tweet.

As they tend to do, the good people of Twitter wasted no time slamming Kim with a series of relatable and LOL-worthy tweets and gifs.


Kim Kardashian, her tiny waist and presumably stuffy nose were spotted last night wearing a tiny sports bra and nude-colored leggings.

Please keep Kim in mind the next time you use your minor spring allergies as an excuse to wear sweatpants for the entire month of April.

Although it doesn't seem like even the likes of Kris Jenner has the ability to bottle up Kim's illness for capitalistic gain, we can all dream of standing close enough to Kim to maybe, just maybe, breath in some of her germs!