Matt Damon Has A Doppelgänger From The 1960s And He May Be Even Sexier
Uhhhhh, we need to talk about this hot dad from the 1960s... like, right now.
Holy crap, I can't even breathe. I had no idea human beings could look this gorgeous.
Not only is this man sexy AF, HE LOOKS JUST LIKE MATT DAMON. Yeah, the hunkalicious actor has a doppelgänger from the past.
It's always crazy to see two unrelated people who look identical to each other, especially if they're from different time periods.
While scrolling through Reddit (Shut up, everyone does it!) the Daily Mail came across this beautiful black and white wedding photo of a couple from the '60s.
The Reddit user coffeeandtrout uploaded the pic with the caption,
My parents Wedding day, February 1961. I think Dad looks like Matt Damon......
This is honestly unreal. My mind is BLOWNNNNN.
Our world has been blessed with TWO MATT DAMONS? Someone get me a glass of water... I need to sit down.
The people of Reddit can't believe their eyes either. Not gonna lie, I think the 1960s DILF may be hotter than the real Matt...
...but maybe that's just my opinion? It looks like people are more obsessed with the fact Damon looks like a dad.
God bless the internet.
Things did get a little weird in the thread at one point. Jimmy Kimmel? Is that you?
LOL. Classic.
Well kids, today I think we all learned a valuable lesson: Stalk your parents' wedding albums and post pics of them on the Internet.
Seriously, does anyone have a dad who looks like Channing Tatum? Or Brad Pitt? Or even Ryan Gosling?
Haha, asking for a friend. Leave me alone.
Citations: Matt Damon 1960s Lookalike (Daily Mail)