People Are Pissed At Kim Kardashian Over This Tweet She Posted About Manchester
On Monday night, chaos erupted at Manchester Arena during an Ariana Grande concert after a suicide bomber detonated an explosive near the venue's exit, causing 22 fatalities and about 60 injuries.
Soon after the tragedy, celebrities like Taylor Swift, Kylie Jenner, and Kim Kardashian used Twitter to show Ariana and her fans their ongoing support.
On May 23, the day after the explosion, Kim tweeted sympathetic messages about the victims' parents, and said the attack was "truly so senseless and heartbreaking."
However, Kim Kardashian posted another tweet the Manchester attack that pissed a lot of people off.
The tweet, which has since been deleted from Kim's account, shows the Kardashian partying with Ariana Grande at a concert. The caption reads, "Concerts are supposed to be a place where u can let loose & have fun. So scary to not feel safe in this world. @arianagrande I love you."
Savvy Twitter users who follow Kim's every move spotted the tweet and expressed how mad they were that she made the Manchester bombing "all about her."
They're "never going to forget."
"This is not KUWTK."
They're truly shocked.
It appears Kim Kardashian might've gotten the memo that fans thought her tweet was offensive, because she deleted it shortly after it was posted.
While most Twitter users expressed how disgusted they were by the photo, Kim K's fans showed her support and said she "meant well."
One Twitter user pointed out the fact Kim wasn't the only celebrity to post a picture with Ariana after the tragedy.
Miley Cyrus also posted a picture with her and Ari in a sympathetic Instagram post, wishing she could give Ariana a "great big hug right now."
Although Kim deleted her controversial tweet that showed her and Ari at a concert together, she still paid tribute to the tragedy with two other tweets that show respect for Ariana and victims of the attack.
Citations: Kim Kardashian Manchester (Cosmpolitan)