Rihanna Is Giving Out Tickets For Her Show And Twitter Is Blowing Up
THIS IS NOT A DRILL: You can get free tickets to a Rihanna concert RIGHT NOW.
Well, you can if you live in New York City, don't have work today and are reading this article on September 7 before 4:30 pm EST.
On Wednesday, Rihanna posted a challenge on her Instagram: Be one of the first 500 people to find this spot in Brooklyn, and you'll get free tickets to NYC's Global Citizen Fest on September 24.
Rih wrote,
Find this spot in Brooklyn! The first 500 to #ShowUp from 4:30pm EST win free tix to see me at #GCFestival in Central Park 9/24!
So not only would you get free tickets to see Rihanna, you'd also get free ticket to see Kendrick Lamar, Demi Lovato, Major Lazer and Metallica.
Finding the spot was easy enough for fans, based on the sign for Williamsburg Metal.
The building is the Williamsburg Metal Spinning and Stamping Corppration, and the address is 267 Kent Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11249.
Obviously, the prospect of free RiRi tickets is pretty sweet. People are already getting super hype on Twitter.
Free tix means a riot or people getting their free tix took https://t.co/TzPlz5muwM — Ace♠️ (@Angiesosaucy) September 7, 2016
But don't wast your time tweeting about it — hurry up and get your ass to Brooklyn! There's no time to lose!