Justin Bieber Had The Best Surprise For A Little Boy With Down Syndrome (Video)
As the old platitude goes,
You can't judge a book by its cover.
Well, that saying goes for Justin Bieber, too.
On the second episode of “Knock Knock: Live,” a new Ryan Seacrest production that serves to create dream-come-true scenarios for people in need, Bieber surprises young Noah, who has Down syndrome, and his father, Nikea.
Nikea is a rapper, and he passed his craft along to Noah.
The two share their talents with Bieber in a Lynwood, California church, and the pop star applauds their performance and gushes over Noah's spirit.
Of Noah, the “Where Are Ü Now” singer says,
For me, being able to just witness that, is, you know, it almost brought tears to my eyes. Noah is an inspiration to a lot of kids with disabilities, a lot of kids who are struggling to fit in. I think that they see that and can be reminded that anyone can fit in, anyone can do what they love.
The clip is adorable, and Bieber proves he wants to use some of his time and influence to better the lives of others.
Before leaving, the singer presents the family with a gift, and Nikea's reaction to the surprise is heartwarming.
The video is worth a watch just for little Noah's performance, but I would avoid watching it in public -- unless you're comfortable weeping openly.
Citations: Justin Bieber Surprising a Little Boy With Down Syndrome Will Instantly Make Your Day Better (Pop Sugar)