Selena Gomez And Katy Perry Address The Orlando Bloom Drama
OK… but, like …nobody's breaking up with Orlando Bloom, then?
Early Thursday morning, Katy Perry tweeted a video of Peggy Lee singing her ode to disenchantment, “Is That All There Is?”
Many, including this b-word right here, assumed the tweet was in response to photos TMZ posted of Perry's boyfriend, Bloom, allegedly getting some cuddly face-to-face time with Selena Gomez in Vegas.
Both gorgeous, successful, independent pop stars have spoken out in response to the rumors, and while it's inspiring they're standing in solidarity, some b-words (this one right here included) are curious why anyone still wants sh*t to do with Orlando Bloom.
Thursday evening, Perry tweeted a link to a TIME article detailing Bloom's admittedly wonderful work with UNICEF, imploring followers not to give “energy and eyeballs to dumb conspiracy.”
Instead of giving energy & eyeballs to dumb conspiracy check out how CL this is: https://t.co/ClmGlPMz3x #dontfeedthebeast — KATY PERRY (@katyperry) May 12, 2016
Gomez also lent support, responding to Perry's tweet with the praise hands emoji and again with #killemwithkindness, a reference to her song of the same name.
https://t.co/dnNEI4E16c — Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) May 13, 2016
If this b-word right here ends up being wrong about Orlando Bloom, she will fully repent by paying $15 to see the new “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie IN. THEATERS.
In the meantime, she will support the romantic choices of the women whose music allows her to complete the 15 minutes of cardio per week that keep her lookin' breathtakingly average.
Be warned, though, gorgeous, successful, independent pop stars. A man can do wonderful things like fight for education in war-torn regions and still be shady AF romantically. Love is complicated that way.
Citations: Katy Perry Just Tweeted the Perfect Response to Those Selena/Orlando Rumors (Cosmopolitan)