Serena Williams Gave Drake An Adorable Shoutout In This New Interview
When I think of Serena Williams, I typically envision a hard-working, superstar tennis player with a packed schedule and VERY LITTLE time to answer random questions on the fly.
That's why Williams' most recent interview with Vogue is one for the history books.
The video description reads,
On the set of her clothing line debut, Serena Williams talks about the most romantic thing a guy has ever done for her, that time she tried body bowling, and the one sport she's actually bad at.
Serena joined Vogue on the set of her self-titled clothing line debut and answered "73 Questions With Serena Williams" in the process.
As a result, viewers are given the rare chance to learn a little more about 34-year-old athlete's inspirations, goals and fondest memories.
She speaks about everything from the Pokémon Go craze to the best advice her parents ever gave her.
Perhaps the best part of the entire interview is when she mentions Drake. When asked who is the funniest person she knows, she says "Aubrey."
Now, I know what you're thinking. Why didn't she just say Drake instead of Aubrey... For one, she might be doing him a favor in case he doesn't want to be known as a funny guy. Or maybe she's just toying with us.
Regardless, it's good to hear Drake and Serena have mutual love and respect for each other despite never establishing a power-couple relationship like all of us were hoping for during last year's US Open.
Check out the interview above for a closer look!
Citations: 73 things you didn't know about ultimate badass Serena Williams (Mashable)