
Someone Sent Debra Messing A D*ck Pic So Naturally She Put It On Twitter (Photo)

by Taylor Ortega
Getty Images

It can be difficult for a man to understand what is going through a woman's mind, but 10 times out of 10, it's not a burning desire for an unsolicited dick pic.

The mystery man who direct messaged a photo of his peen to Debra Messing on Instagram did not consider the actress might not be interested in seeing some strange dude's no-no bits, but she set him straight.

Messing alerted Twitter followers to the indiscretion...

...before sharing a blurred screenshot of the offending pic.

Guys, don't make Deb Twitter shame you.

If you're going to DM Miss DM, or any woman, stick to light chit-chat until a dick pic is specifically requested.

Citations: Debra Messing Does Not Want Your Unsolicited Dick Pics (Vulture)