8 Kickass Female TV Characters Who Make Us Wish We Solved Crime For A Living
There’s something juicier than watermelon and Biggie combined, and it’s the mystery-loving, badass business of solving crimes.
Watching a strong, female detective unfold clues right before our very eyes is a captivating journey.
We're immediately sucked into her world, unable to turn away until the problem is solved.
Female heroines are smart. They pay attention to the details and find meaning in the nuanced hints.
These girls don’t get distracted easily; they wouldn’t forsake a mission (not to mention their clients) for something selfish or stupid.
Does your butt hurt? Because these crime-solving female TV characters just kicked some major ass.
1. Buffy Summers, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”
There was one girl kicking vampire ass long before “Twilight,” “The Walking Dead” and “True Blood” hit the small screen: Buffy Summers.
She’s the OG of supernatural slaying and more Chosen One than the Harry Potters who came after her.
She taught us being different doesn’t make you less special -- it makes you extraordinary. If we went to Sunnydale, we’d definitely want to be part of her Scooby Gang.
2. Olivia Benson, “Law & Order: SVU”
You can't have a kickass crime-fighting female list without mentioning "SVU"s biggest player.
Olivi Benson's a household name -- and the name of Taylor Swift’s cat -- for good reason: she’s a loyal detective who isn’t afraid to show her emotions and successfully perform a tough job.
She isn’t afraid to wear her heart on her sleeve, either, which makes her all the more lovable.
Olivia Benson has history, too, but she doesn’t let it deter her from kicking some major booty.
3. Sabrina Spellman, “Sabrina, The Teenage Witch”
Though she mostly used her powers for good (secretly helping us mere mortals), we couldn’t help but love when Sabrina sometimes used them for evil (like seeking revenge on rival cheerleader, Libby).
She had spunk and charisma and made us all feel a little bit better about our crazy high school experiences.
Sabrina wasn’t the only kickass woman in the series -- her aunts, Hilda and Zelda, were also Boss Witch Ladies often helping Sabrina save the day.
They casted spells worthy of another "Blair Witch Project" -- too bad they weren’t real.
4. Liv Moore, “iZombie”
Though "iZombie" is slated for CW release soon, we grabbed a sneak peek of the show and immediately fell for Liv because she’s got beauty and brains -- literally.
This crime-solving zombie works in a morgue and eats peoples' brains to access their memories and help solve their deaths.
She’s also a high-achieving medical resident who works at the mortician… what have you done today?
Move over, Haley Joel Osment, there’s a new girl who sees dead people. Liv's got a lot on her plate (really), and yet she still finds the time to entertain us.
You can’t help but want to be her best friend. It’s a no-brainer.
5. Carrie Mathison, “Homeland”
If it weren’t for Carrie Mathison, we probably wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. The highly respected CIA agent does not hesitate to put herself in harm’s way just to get a glimpse of a terrorist or a clue to his whereabouts.
Carrie is the definition of kick ass and she's sharp enough to work in extremely high-pressure situations.
Despite all the wrong, she’s doing something right (why else would there be four seasons?).
6. Veronica Mars, “Veronica Mars”
There’s a reason why we all donated to have the Veronica Mars film made five years after the show stopped: We needed our favorite investigator back in our lives.
Her intelligence, tenacity and courage made her not just a great detective, but also a solid role model.
As an outsider herself, Veronica always included us in solving her mysteries -- she never left us behind (except for the terrible day the show was cancelled…).
She might have been a lonely teenage student, but she sure knew how to school her enemies.
7. Olivia Pope, “Scandal”
If we could come back as any fictional television character, it would be Ms. Olivia Pope. The Gladiator In The White Hat is known for fixing things (especially her own problems) and is no stranger to high-profile drama.
She doesn’t take “no” or “yes” for an answer because Olivia Pope answers to no one but herself.
8. Kate Beckett, “Castle”
Kate Beckett is, in one word, fearless. She can conquer anything. The way her mind works is extraordinary -- and she's got her mom's cop-filled genes to thank for it. In other words, girlfriend has got history.
Kate is a trained enforcer with drive and passion, making her a perfectly partner-in-crime both on and off duty.