
These Are The Most Accurate And Realistic Wine Pairings Out There (Photos)

There are few things that can top a glass of wine alongside a few slices of perfectly paired cheese.

If there's one person who knows a thing or two about carefully selected wine pairings, it's Jeff Wysaski.

During a recent trip to the liquor store, Wysaski decided to spread his wine wisdom by swapping out all of the typical Cabernet and cheddar pairing suggestions for a bunch of upgraded, blatantly honest and hilarious signs.

However, his painfully honest pairings might be a little different from the average sommelier's suggestions, especially since this comical guy is by no means a wine expert.

His background in making you laugh is broader than his expertise in dairy products that go best with your Barrel-Aged Blackout.

But let's face it, who in their right mind would want to pair Chardonnay with some boring old Havarti when you can have it with a heaping side of unemployment and divorce papers?

Check out the images below to see Wysaski's unique wine suggestions.

To new beginnings and being glad you didn't sign that prenup.

Nothing says, "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom," like a glass of this wine.

This is perfect for turning up with your fellow farm friend.

This multitasking wine is to die for.

I have an important meeting with Chardonnay at 2 pm.

This wine tastes sweeter than revenge.

Watchdog Rock really brings on the nostalgia of the good old days.

This is the perfect wine to drink while you pack your moving boxes.

Citations: Hilariously Cheeky Wine Suggestions and Pairings Snuck Onto Liquor Store Shelves (Laughing Squid)