
Artist Reimagines Famous Photos By Adding What Went On Behind The Scenes

by Robert Anthony

Have you ever wondered what the process behind some of the world's most iconic photographs was like?

What was going on behind the scenes when The Beatles were crossing Abbey Road in London? These are questions that run through the minds of creatives who know capturing the perfect shot isn't always as easy as it seems.

In a recent art project put together by San Francisco-based artist Hannah Rothstein for Udemy, we're shown a collection of iconic photographs. But this isn't just any old batch of famous pictures.

Using her illustrative skills, Rothstein added to each photo and depicted what she envisioned was happening outside of the primary frame in which the photo was captured.

In a recent interview with TIME Magazine, she reveals,

I was interested in examining the concept that photographers choose what we see. They almost can lie -- or rather, they can tell the truth that they want to see. And we forget that because images are very powerful and they are a representation of reality, but they are someone else's reality.

The results of her project? They're pretty awesome -- according to Rothstein, it looks like The Beatles were crossing Abbey Road just to grab some hot dogs at the stand across the street!

Check out her Context Is Key: Beyond the Frames of Famous Photos series below.

The Antics of Ansel Adams

Why Did the Beatles Cross the Road?

Even the Famous Facebook Stalk

Dali Being Devious

Swim, Phelps, Swim!

Citations: Context Is Key Beyond the Frames of Famous Photos (Udemy), These Images Envision What Went on Behind the Scenes of Iconic Photographs (TIME)