Sure, anyone can surprise his or her partner with grand gestures once in a blue moon.
But when it comes to building strong relationships, little things count the most.
Recently, one artist who goes by Puuung created a series of illustrations capturing all those small yet incredibly meaningful moments you share with your significant other.
Puuung's incredible illustrations remind us it's the little, often overlooked things we do from day to day that really show how much we care.
Love is something that everybody can relate to. And Love comes in ways that we can easily overlook in our daily lives. So, I try to find the meaning of love in our daily lives and make it into artwork.
Take a look at the pictures below to see these beautiful, heartfelt illustrations.
Your partner is always there to wipe away your tears..
Surprise you with a home-cooked meal...
Dance with you like no one is watching...
...and pick you up when life knocks you down.
Sometimes, it's the little things that matter most, like falling asleep together on the sofa...
Breaking out a birthday surprise...
Hugging you from behind...
Planting a kiss on your forehead...
Enduring terrible singing...
Snuggling while you sleep...
...or tucking you in after you doze off.
Nothing shows how much you care like helping out with dinner...
Cuddling together outside...
Spending a Saturday night at home with bae...
...or simply sharing your ice cream cone.
Citations: Love Is In Small Things (Bored Panda)