Lifestyle — Creative Recipes For Thanksgiving Leftovers
by Rebecca Jones

Arguably, the best part of Thanksgiving is the leftovers.

Most of us could do without the lengthy process of carving the turkey, trying to carry on small talk with family members we haven't seen since last Thanksgiving and trying to explain our weird jobs in media to our grandmothers.

I mean, what's better than dipping buttered rolls into cold mashed potatoes as you binge-watch "The Crown" alone? Or cozying up with your parent's dog, watching old Christmas movies while you ingest leftover scraps of turkey?


Even after eating over three servings of stuffing, turkey and half a pumpkin pie, you're somehow still hungry.

Food hangover, food shmangover. A couple days after the grand meal, you find yourself at the fridge, staring into the endless shelves of tupperware.

It's easy to go rogue and eat turkey straight out of the container. But this year, why not try combining your leftovers if they're going to be even tastier meals?

And there's no need to get complicated with the recipes. You just need to be clever.

Lucky for you, we've made it easy, and we've compiled a list of recipes that will let you eat your way through all the Thanksgiving leftovers in one glorious video.

For breakfast, try a pumpkin pie smoothie. (It literally has a slice of pie in it.)

For lunch, test out a turkey panini. For dinner, try every single leftover combined into one insane, delicious pizza.

And for a little night cap, try a drink with actual cranberry sauce as the main ingredient. (We promise it tastes amazing.)

To learn how to make these leftover recipes, just watch the video above. Then, take a good long nap.

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