
Someone Invented A Water Fountain For Wine To Quench Your Boozy Thrist

I've never been a big fan of water fountains. There's just something about these germ-infested spouts that seriously grosses me out.

However, we recently came across an interesting fountain that I could totally get behind. Yep, apparently there's a new type of fountain that can quench your thirst with something besides boring old water.

Now, I know what your thinking, and no, unfortunately the fountain that I'm taking about isn't filled with a magical elixir that keeps you looking young and fabulous for all eternity.


However, this particular fountain does spew out an infinite amount of FREE wine. And let's be real: That sounds way better than sipping from a shitty youth fountain that keeps you sober.

If you're wondering where you can find this wonderful wine contraption, let me fill you in.

This intoxicating invention is located in Caldari di Ortona, Italy, and it's situated along a religious pilgrimage route, the Camino de Santiago, in which Italians make their way from Rome to Ortona every year.

Apparently, a local vineyard is behind this boozy device, and the fountain dispenses a variety of wines from around the area to the public free of charge. According to The Local, inspiration for the magical spout came from a similar red wine fountain that was installed on the same pilgrimage route a few years back.

If that's not enough to make you cry tears of joy, this thing also operates at all hours of the day.

Technically, the wine fountain is supposed to be a tipsy attraction for thirsty pilgrims traveling along the religious route.

However, I always prefer to live by the good old fashion saying, "the more the merrier."

So yeah, if you're looking for me, I'll be in Caldari di Ortona, sipping on free chardonnay like it's going out of style. Cheers!

Citations: Wine Fountains Are the New Water Fountains (Cosmopolitan)