
Mom Captures Amazing Portraits Of Her Daughter With Wild Animals (Photos)

As kids, we all loved taking field trips to the zoo. There aren't many things that make kids more excited than seeing all kinds of awesome rare animals up close.

If anyone knows a thing or two about wild animals, it's photographer Robin Schwartz and her adorable daughter, Amelia.

When Amelia was just 3 years old, Schwartz photographed her alongside a chimp named Ricky.

Since then, this mother-daughter duo has spent over a decade creating an incredible visual series titled Amelia and the Animals.

Just as the name implies, Amelia and the Animals is a photo project that features Amelia posing with a variety of exotic and domestic animals over the years.

Since the ongoing series began, Schwartz has photographed Amelia posing with everything from rare species such as monkeys, elephants and baby tigers to your more run-of-the-mill domestic animals such as dogs, cats and horses.

Schwartz's captivating photographs are simply spectacular and highlight a beautiful connection between humans and animals rarely captured on camera.

It's not hard to see that Amelia has a way with these amazing creatures, and according to her mother, she has an “enormous fortitude and ingenuity in relating to each individual animal with kindness and respect.”

I guess you could say Amelia is like a modern-day Eliza Thornberry.