This Pizza Box Transforms Into A Pipe You Can Actually Smoke Weed Out Of
The dudes behind the pizza-buying app, Push For Pizza, are back at it again with a high-tech pizza box that magically transforms into a pipe you can totally smoke weed out of. Because no one should eat pizza sober and no stoner should go without pizza.
I got the inside slice from Cyrus Summerlin, the co-founder of Push For Pizza, an app that allows you to order your customized pizza from your favorite local eatery with just one push of a button. It's kind of like the Domino's pizza button, but for a pie you actually want to eat.
In collaboration with the Nikolas Gregory design studio, Push For Pizza created a box with a detachable cardboard flap that you can easily fold into a weed pipe shaft. You then take the plastic stand (normally used to keep the top of the box elevated) and attach that as the bowl of your pipe. The plastic stand even comes complete with a carb for better ventilation.
It's almost too good to be true.
In just a few simple steps, you've got yourself a one-of-a-kind, pizza box pipe. Also, the pipe comes at no additional cost, and all the materials are 100 percent recyclable. Sounds like a win-win for everyone, does it not?
For those worried about inhaling toxic fumes from burning weed in a plastic receptacle, Summerlin has you covered. For now, the "plastic" stands will be made from ceramic. When production picks up, they plan to switch to a temperature resistant vegetable based recyclable plastic.
But here's the catch: To use these awesome boxes IRL, we all need to do our part to drive up demand, kicking mass production into high gear. That way, everyone can enjoy the stoned Transformer of pizza boxes.
Download Push For Pizza today from the iTunes store and be part of the movement.