Cities can be beautiful, magical places with so much to do, see and explore. The one downside to living in one: expensive, tiny apartments. Rent doesn't leave much space to invest in summertime necessities, like a BBQ grill.
Sure, you could try to go to the local park and use a communal grill pit, but who wants to wake up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning to try and beat out a 20-person family for prime grilling real estate just to end up eating a hot dog that tastes vaguely like charcoal? Not me. And for those of you who are also interested in doing things the cheap and crafty way, here's an easy solution for you:
The Six-Pack Grill
Start by drinking a six-pack of beer. (You may need the help of a few friends for this if you want to continue to grill responsibly.) Measure 1.5 inches from the bottom of the can and make a mark: This is where you're going to start cutting. Cut around the entire can so the bottom portion comes off and place that on the top of the can where the drink opening is. Make another hole in the side of the can and line up your new grill on the ground in six-pack formation.
Now comes the fun part: Fill the empty cans with charcoal (and wood, if you so choose) and light them on fire. You can either place a small grill top over the cans, or you can cut slats in a disposable aluminum pan and place that over your six-pack grill. Let the coals get nice and hot, and voila! You're ready to grill. Enjoy that tasty hot dog and remember: Always drink (and grill) responsibly.
For a more in-depth tutorial, check out the video above.
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