12-Year-Old Trolls Little Sister's Bullies With Savage Fake Party Invitation
Whenever I told my sister that I was being picked on at school, she just agreed with my bullies, explaining to me that, yes, I was a big nerd who liked anime too much.
Luckily, some big sisters in this country are out there throwing down for their kin. Take the 12-year-old big sister that this Twitter user was babysitting for, who, when she heard that her little sister was being picked on, invited the bullies to a fake sleepover.
The caption on this Tweet (which has had thousands of shares already) is extremely accurate (although I would not have used the b-word to describe small children).
It starts out cheerfully enough.
But then it teaches these girls the important lesson of reading the fine print.
This girl is only 12 years old, and yet she seems to have already graduated summa cum laude from Sickburn Academy of the Smackdown Arts.
She also made sure to include all translations.
Because, apart from being a bully-shaming sister superhero, she firmly believes in multiculturalism.