This Man Actually Trolls Email Scammers, And The Results Are Incredible
I've always wondered who the people are who actually answer spam emails that contain stories involving someone claiming to be your long lost Yugoslavian second cousin who made it big in the cabbage industry and wants to send you on a cruise around the world to repay your deceased great-grandfather for giving his or her father his very first cabbage.
I always presumed it was just old, sad people who responded to the emails and got scammed because they don't understand how the Internet works (everyone is trying to rob you all the time, grandpa).
But it turns out there is someone else answering these emails. His name is James Veitch. And he is a comedian.
Basically, Veitch decided to set up several email accounts exclusively for answering and corresponding with hilarious scams, just to see how far they'd go.
He's been doing it for two years now, and his multitude of conversations with spammers culminated in a book called "Dot Con."
He dared to go where no man had willingly gone before. And he brought back treasures.
Check out one of the scams below. This SLAYS me.
Citations: This British man's email exchange with a scammer escalated hilariously (Mashable)