
People Dress Up In Creepy Costumes To Troll Cops Who Set Up Wildlife Camera

Gardner Police Department

The found-footage horror movie might be my favorite type of horror movie. There's something really chilling about watching terror unfold without the safety of eloquent and purposeful camerawork.

This post is nothing like that.

The Gardner Police Department in Kansas set up a couple of cameras and tried to catch nocturnal mountain lion activities. What they found instead was, uh, well you'll see.

I'll be using the words of the Police Department's own Facebook post on the matter to illustrate this chilling scene.

"The Gardner Police Department was contacted recently about concern over the possibility of a mountain lion being in the area of Celebration Park."

Gardner Police Department

"In an effort to determine if there was a possibly dangerous animal in the area we deployed two trail cameras to check for activity in the area."

Gardner Police Department

"We are glad to report that over the time they were up we did not see a mountain lion."

Gardner Police Department

"We were however surprised by some of the images that the cameras did take."

Gardner Police Department

"We have included a few of these images for your review. We now have another different concern. We are attempting to identify some of the wildlife and activity in these images."

Gardner Police Department

"We would like to sincerely thank the persons responsible as it made our day when we pulled up what we expected to be hundreds of pictures of coyotes, foxes and raccoons."

Gardner Police Department

"Thank you to the citizens who noticed the cameras. Your effort and sense of humor are greatly appreciated."

Gardner Police Department
Gardner Police Department

The post has received thousands of shares on Facebook, and everyone loves how dead pan the police played the whole thing.

But one member of Gardner pointed out this important fact that seems to have been forgotten amidst all the knee slapping and hilarity:


Thanks, Sandy (but also maybe you have too many names that start with the letter "S").

Citations: BuzzFeed