
No One's Ever Been Happier Than This Guy Finding Out He's Going To Be A Dad

by Alec MacDonald

This guy just found out he's going to be a dad.

There are few days more important or meaningful in a person's life than the day he or she has a child.

Well, that, and the first day he or she watches “The Rock” starring Sean Connery wearing a wig and Nicholas Cage back when he was still okay with losing his hair.

And I know you've seen a lot of videos like this, but in these troubling times it's OK to just take a second and cry on your Macbook Air (shout out to Macbook Airs!) at a man losing his mind with joy when he finds out he's going to be a dad.

I am not so cynical to not melt when I see something this — well, okay, that's probably a lie, as I just watched a video of a baby spooning a hamster and felt the same amount of emotion as I do when I see my salad being made at Sweetgreen (shout out to Sweetgreen!).

But you're not like me, so this video is bound to make your day better.

My brother in law's reaction to my sister's pregnancy is the cutest thing — Cristina (@Cristinaliz97) September 30, 2016

Tania Perez-Gutierrez gets her husband to come into a room where she's set up an ultrasound photograph, positive pregnancy tests and a baby toy.

She tries to hide at first, but aside from being fertile, Ronald Gutierrez is also very astute and hard to sneak up on. His reaction to the news is amazing.

He keeps shouting “NO TE CREO! NO TE CREO!” — which means "I don't believe you! I don't believe you!"

Although, in Spanish, it has more of the “I can't believe it!” vibe. He's not, um, doubting her. He's expressing excitement. Oof, I just sucked the air out of the room didn't I?

Tania's sister, Christina Perez, shared the video, and it's blowing up. Christina told BuzzFeed the video gave her “goosebumps.”

And if it didn't give you goosebumps, you're a disgusting human being.

Citations: BuzzFeed, Cosmopolitan