This Guy Is Selling A 'Game Of Thrones'-Style Dildo Throne On eBay (Photos)
There's a fairly niche market of ridiculously expensive items no person could have any practical use for, but must exist because rich people need something to do with their money.
While this could be interpreted as an accidental slight at art collecting, I actually had something a little more lowbrow in mind.
I guess you could argue a six-foot tall replica of the Iron Throne made out of dildos is technically art, but I'll leave that debate to someone who actually believes it.
When the "Rubber Throne" -- I would have gone with "Iron Bone" -- by Bondara was first unveiled at the end of March, I can only imagine the disappointment the One Percent felt after discovering it was a one-off item designed to drum up free publicity after they gave it away to a random fan.
Thankfully, that random fan was UK resident Ralph Jones, who proudly posted a picture of his newest acquisition on Twitter prior to its arrival back in April.
Some people will doubt the truth of this bold claim, but...I have just won this MASSIVE GAME OF THRONES DILDO THRONE. pic.twitter.com/cfkRyBXpxB — Ralph Jones (@OhHiRalphJones) April 9, 2015
Unfortunately, Jones soon realized there was no way he'd be able to keep it in his apartment. Because he presumably enjoys his job, he chose to forgo the inevitable fight with HR (the deadliest enemy of all) and gave up the dream of using the throne as an office chair.
His only remaining option was to rent a garage to store it in, and, when it finally arrived, he took no time staking his claim.
It has arrived. #dildothrone pic.twitter.com/XYkSkhmeOG — Ralph Jones (@OhHiRalphJones) May 26, 2015
Soon, he realized he enjoyed making money more than spending money storing something with little to no practical use, and he decided to sell it on eBay to some millionaire with extra money (or some drunk person with terrible self-control).
As of this writing, the Throne is going for just over $1,000 -- a shockingly reasonable price.
When you consider each of the 200 dildos it's made of retailing for about $25, you're basically losing money if you don't buy it.
Citations: Oh Hello I won a 6 Foot Dildo Throne Here is My Story (Hexjam)