
12 Things You Can Just Put Off Because They're 'Next Month Problems'

by Connor Toole

As appealing as it might be to lock yourself in the bathroom and rock back and forth while curled up in the tub with your eyes close to make your problems go away, such a solution is (usually) only temporary at best.

One of the sad realities of growing up is realizing you can't simply start sobbing hysterically to magically solve any issues you might run into.

When that happens, you're not just the person who hasn't paid rent in two months -- you're the person who hasn't paid rent in more than two months who cries more than anyone old enough to pay for their own apartment should.

There are certain things that "adults" (I still refuse to self-identify) have to deal with every month that you can't really avoid, such as the aforementioned rent check, bills you've already gotten a call about and food in general.

However, there are also other problems that you know you probably shouldn't put off, but willpower seems to be wildly less effective when there's desire in your heart and a credit card in your wallet.

I call them "Next Month Problems," and while I'm not going to pretend like delaying the inevitable is a responsible choice, I can't really fault you for not wanting to deal with (or pay for) any of these things in the moment.

The sale that wasn't actually that great of a sale, but you kind of felt like you had to buy something on principle even though you'll only wear it a couple of times.

Tickets to something you can't really afford, but will make you seem a lot trendier than the rest of your friends when you put the pictures online.

The $30-worth of basic kitchen necessities that you'd rather spend on a handle of vodka.

The bar tab that's uncomfortably close to the total balance in your bank account.

The Uber back to your place afterward because you don't want to wait for the subway.

The bill for the brunch the next morning, where you swore you'd only order one Bloody Mary.

The copay for the doctor's visit you scheduled to make sure nights like those aren't destroying your body.

The electric bills you haven't paid because you didn't realize how expensive it was to keep an air conditioner running every second of the summer.

The insanely expensive last-minute plane tickets the spontaneous People Who Drop Everything And Travel always kind of gloss over.

The ironic purchase of "CatDog: The Complete Series" that you found while browsing Amazon late at night and had to buy ironically.

The statement for your "emergency" credit card that you used to pay for a Whole Foods shopping spree the previous month.

The phone call where your parents ask you to explain the unpaid charges on your emergency credit card.

These aren't the sort of things they tell you about in finance class, and there's a reason for this: Charging your problems away is an objectively awful idea, and next month is going to come eventually.

But don't worry about that right now. It's a next month problem.