If Popular Apps Used Cheesy Pick-Up Lines, This Is What They'd Be
When it comes to things you never want to encounter at a bar, I'd say "pick-up lines" probably rank between "stepping in a puddle of vomit with sandals on" and "a bachelor party" in terms of objective awfulness.
Pick-up lines are inherently corny insults to the English language that too many people turn to when trying to start a conversation, despite the fact that anyone who is actually wooed by one isn't someone worth wooing in the first place.
However, dreaming up one-liners that should never actually be uttered can be a lot more entertaining than it should be.
After having too much fun coming up with terrible superhero puns, we picked an entirely arbitrary subject and decided to see what could come up with.
The result was pick-up lines for the apps and websites most people use every day.
A word of advice to anyone in Silicon Valley who is actually inspired to try these out in the real world: don't. Just don't.