Reporter Makes An Adorable 4-Year-Old Cry On His First Day Of School
We've all experienced trying and failing to remain stoic under intense emotional pressures.
For instance, I once yelled, "I'M JUST TRYING TO DO MY BEST," at a salad bar worker taking my order, before covertly wiping away a single tear because I was nervous about the increasingly large line forming behind me.
And that's what makes 4-year-old Andrew Macias the most relatable kid on the planet.
While covering back-to-school news for a recent assignment, KTLA 5's Courtney Friel asked Andrew,
Are you going to miss your mom?
His answer is the most truthful answer to anything ever.
Though he coolly answers by chuckling, saying the word "no" and then chuckling again, he implies his answer is more like,
Who? Me!? You kiddin' me?! I am the mayor of Not-Missin-Mommy-Ville. I haven't missed mommy ever, and sweetie, I certainly ain't missin' her now.
Then reality sets in, and the emotional floodgates burst. Despite only being 4 years old, Andrew Macias is all of us.
Citations: TV reporter makes boy 4 cry when she asks if he will miss his mom on first day of pre kindergarten in Los Angeles (Daily Mail)