
Why Shower Sex Is Literally The Worst Sex You'll Ever Have (Video)

by Tyler Gildin

If you like to get "down and dirty," but you're also a clean freak, shower sex might be the perfect solution for you. For the rest of us, shower sex is like taking a pint of ice cream to the face: It sounds good in theory, but it'll leave you exhausted, shivering and filled with cream. Too graphic?

I mean if you think your orgasm face is funny as it is, try having one with shampoo in your eyes!

Today, we're introducing episode six of the third season of the Elite Daily hit series, “Generation whY.”

With a hilarious new cast of comedians, YouTubers and personalities chatting about all new topics, this series is the most accurate dissection of the current trends and activities our generation indulges in.

This week's episode is all about the power of the shower.

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