
14 People Who Prove Drake Has The Thirstiest Fans On Twitter (Photos)

by Connor Toole

Even the most stringent Drake hater has to admit, for better or worse, he's currently one of the most influential artists in hip-hop, and he has an army of loyal fans eager to tell you why your brain is broken for not appreciating his brilliance.

It's impossible to quantify how many people identify as Drake Disciples, but he's currently followed by 26.6 million people on Twitter -- a number that would easily make him the most popular Canadian on the Internet if Justin Bieber had been going a little faster during any of his multiple car accidents.

Some of those followers are a bit more vocal about their love of Drake than others.

You might remember this tweet sent out by Amanda Bynes in the midst of her installment of "Inadvertent Cautionary Tales From 90s Child Stars":

However, this comment is fairly mild compared to some of the replies Drake seemingly gets every time he decides to share thoughts that can be expressed in 140 characters or less with the rest of the world.

I spent an unhealthy amount of time digging through the replies he's gotten to his tweets over the past few years, and while I can't prove Drake has the thirstiest fans on Twitter, he's definitely in the race for the title.

Some of his fans seem to take their inspiration from Amanda.

Others are more straightforward.

Some people are more selfish than others.

One person apparently has a death wish fetish.

And a whole lot of people just get weird with it.

I'd hate to be the person who breaks the bad news to this person.