11 Bloggers On What It Really Takes To Build Your Personal Brand
I'm not exactly sure how you would define a successful blogger. In my eyes, if you have awesome content and a lot of followers, you're definitely doing something right. I have aspirations to take my blogging to to the next level myself. So, I thought I'd reach out to a few bloggers who I think are doing a phenomenal job. I asked all of them to share their one gem of advice for aspiring bloggers.
It would be a waste if I kept this information to myself. So, get ready to enjoy some amazing advice from those who have (in my opinion) pretty much made it in the blogosphere:
1. Emily From Corporate Catwalker
Website: corporatecatwalker.com.au Instagram: @corporatecatwalker
Authenticity and personality is key. Social media is often criticized for being anti-social and promoting idealistic subject matter. Remembering that your audience consists of real people who translate into your loyal following is important. Aspiring bloggers should focus on sharing content that features real people, empowers and connects others, showcases accessible fashion or products and, most importantly, not only shares positive life highlights, but also relatable struggles. At the end of the day, your blog should be a photographic journal of your life that, one day, you will be able to share with your great grandchildren. Keeping this in mind will ensure that your blog remains authentic.
2. Rebecca Ruhle
Website: www.rebeccaruhle.com Instagram: @rebeccaruhle
Be consistent in everything you do. Have a theme to your blog and stick to it. Make sure you post at least once a day on social media, and reply to every comment if you can.
3. Tom From Travel Tom Tom
Website: www.traveltomtom.net Instagram: @traveltomtom
Be dedicated and expect nothing, especially at the beginning. If you start blogging, you will have to put in a lot of effort and time. The first steps into the world of blogging can be pretty hard, as there is no return on your investment at all. I'm not at all referring to money, but to recognition among fellow bloggers. Be dedicated, keep on traveling and create credibility. Being on the road for almost four years now gave me a lot of credibility. Meeting people on the road is just as important. Tell them about your blog and create a network. In the end, the people you meet on the road are going to be the most precious people in your network. They share your posts, they like your photos and they promote your website.
4. Kana Imamura
Website: www.lifeinwanderlust.com Instagram: @lifeinwanderlust_
Do it for yourself. Maintain a blog you love, even at the thought of nobody reading it. If you start writing what you think people want, you'll drive yourself crazy. It will never last. Enjoy and be confident with the content you're creating. Eventually, it will attract viewers who love your style. You can't be the dressing for every salad.
5. Eva Catherine
Website: www.evacatherine.com Instagram: @Evaacatherine
I'd just tell them to stick to their guns. Don't let other people dictate your style or how you run your blog.
6. Katriese From Berlin Storm
Website: www.berlinstorm.com Instagram: @berlinstorm_
The one piece of advice I would give to an aspiring blogger would be to remain true to yourself. Don't work with people or brands that aren't aligned with your blog.
It is far better to have a smaller number of loyal followers than a large number of purchased followers. Be patient. It is rare to have overnight success, and while you're waiting for that success, hustle. Make contact with brands and establish a reputation and relationship with them.'
7. Reese Evans From Yes Supply Co
Website: www.YesSupply.co Instagram: @Yessuply
The secret to getting ahead is getting started. Anyone can start a blog, and you don't have to have a certain level of expertise to do it. You just need passion and honesty. I started my blog by wanting to talk about everything, but I soon found out what I was really passionate about through writing every single day. Before I knew it, it was turning into a business I loved. It happened naturally because it was in line with where my heart was. Don't hold back based on what other people might think. Most people are very supportive and want to help. Don't think twice about the ones who aren't. They'll come around.
8. Jane Ko
Website: www.atasteofkoko.com Instagram: @atasteofkoko
Define your niche, whether it's recipes, restaurant coverage, travel, fashion or beauty, and establish yourself as an expert in that industry. Know you will evolve and expand over time.
9. Ariana Kajic
Website: www.thebosnianaussie.com Instagram: @thebosnianaussie
Go into blogging for the passion, not for what it could give you in return. My goal for my blog was always to inspire other travelers to visit my birth country and see the beauty of it. I wanted them to see that Bosnia and Herzegovina was no longer a war-torn country, but one full of beauty and adventure. Many people who start out as bloggers give up within their first year because their posts aren't getting enough views, their social media accounts aren't getting enough followers and they aren't getting enough freebies such as press trips. For the first year, forget about the money, freebies and followers, and focus on building and engaging with your audience. After all, you want people to follow you because they love your advice and stories. Use your passion for travel to inspire others to travel and live outside their comfort zones. Be the inspiration for someone's next great adventure.
10. Georgia McGrath
Website: www.bohemianbythesea.com Instagram: @bohemianbythesea
All you need is a passion for adventure and a spark of curiosity for the unknown. There are so many different types of travel bloggers, and we are all unique in our own ways. From backpacking to flash-packing and luxury travel, each of us has special stories to tell. I haven't stayed in the most expensive hotels in the world, but I've made countless friends through hostel dorms, living with a Spanish family and on a boat while sailing through Croatia. I don't travel first class, but I have many stories to tell from the locals I have met on European trains, the public transportation in Brazil and the colectivo taxis in Mexico. There are no rules for blogging, despite what many may tell you. It's not always about the most expensive or glamorous, or even the cheapest and most adventurous. The key to success is letting your passion shine through. Most importantly, love what you do. Share your incredible experiences, the beautiful people you've met and the crazy things you've done, and I guarantee there will always be people interested in your lifestyle. People love inspiring photos and stories. Share yours.
11. Natasha Kundi
Website: www.natashakundi.com Instagram: @natashaklondon
Beware and be careful of people who claim they are SEO or social media experts. SEO does not happen overnight. You will not see any results for a long, long time. People will take advantage of your vulnerability. Also, don't buy any cheap backlinks. In a nutshell, don't go for any cheap SEO gimmicks.
There are so many successful bloggers out there, and these are just a handful of them. I think the greatest advice out there for anyone who wants to start is to simply start. If you think you've missed the boat, think again. If pop stars didn't create new songs because there were already too many successful artists out there, we'd never hear new music.
This post was originally published on the author's personal blog.