6 Reasons To Celebrate National Margarita Day Even Though It's Monday
Happy National Margarita Day!
Although it may be a Monday, and you are still recovering from the weekend and the bottle of tequila you took to the face Saturday night, you still need to celebrate.
After all, this day only occurs once a year.
Your room is probably a mess, and you were probably late for work this morning.
You're still going through text messages from this weekend trying to figure out why you texted your ex, and you're trying to figure out why a Jon from the bar keeps trying to contact you.
Oh, and now is probably a good time to go on Facebook and Instagram and untag yourself in all those embarrassing pictures your friends got of you.
But then you remember your Snapchat story. It's already Monday and too late to salvage that. Everyone already saw everything, including your wine night last night.
So, although it is Monday and you are tired AF, when 5 o'clock rolls around, you need to be with a margarita in hand. No one forgets your birthday when they are tired, so why would we forget about national margarita day?
1. Tequila is a key component to any margarita, and tequila has many health benefits.
It is known to improve your metabolism, and helps promote calcium absorption making it good for your gut. It also is a pain remedy, and can help fight cholesterol.
In that case, you should be getting yourself a margarita every night, not just today.
2. Tequila is a stress reliever after a bad day at work, and a perfect cure for a broken heart.
Let's face it: It's Monday; work is going to suck.
Your boyfriend is probably going to be very upset when he finds out what you did this weekend, which may lead to a broken heart. Might as well drink a strong margarita to cure those issues you have.
3. It's a Monday and your Instagram feed is going to be lacking.
Therefore, you need to head out and take a selfie with that margarita in hand -- or at least add an artsy picture of that salt-rimmed glass.
You will be blessing everyone's timeline on a Monday night, making them wish they were out for some margaritas right about now too.
Be sure to add that to the Snapchat story, too.
4. Margaritas go great with tacos, chips and guacamole.
And when are you not craving chips and guac?
I know I always am, and now you have a great reason to fulfill your craving. Every taco bar has a full margarita menu, and it's the perfect combo for a Monday night. Not to mention, an avocado is one of the healthiest foods you can indulge in.
5. Tequila helps prevent colds, and can keep you from getting sick.
We are in the season of colds and flu. I'm pretty sure I have had a never ending cold for the past two weeks, and it is not getting better. My lack of tequila drinking could be the reason I am suffering now.
6. You have nothing else to be doing on a boring Monday night.
It's a Monday, what else could you possibly be doing? It's 5 o'clock somewhere; go out and get that margarita.