7 Cute And Cheap College Roomie Dates To Plan When You Run Out Of Ideas
You and your college roomie are bound to have some bonding time outside of the four walls of your dorm room. The both of you may be in the same financial boat, which means limited funds. That's OK, because there's still room for some fun times and excitement.
Cheap doesn't necessarily mean boring, it just didn't break your wallet in the process. College is about innovation, right? There's rarely one way of doing things, so you and your BFF should consider new things to do together throughout the school year. If you guys are seemingly stumped on what to plan, try some of these cute roomie date ideas.
1. Wear Onesie Pajamas, Watch Netflix, And Chill
Who says adults can't own a onesie? They're cute, comfortable, and give us some of our childhood back as well. Chilling in your dorm is so much more fun when a onesie's involved.
2. Have A Random Potluck With Neighbors
Anything involving some yummy homemade food in college is a must-go. The more the merrier, and this is a great time to try and connect with the neighbors who put up with your slightly noisy shenanigans on the regular. Sorry, not sorry.
3. Go To A Matinee Movie
There's nothing wrong with going to the movies earlier in the day. If a day date is gonna save you some cash, hightail it on over. It's not like the movie loses its affect or anything.
4. Munch On Free Samples At The Mall
You can't go wrong with free food. Taking a stroll through the mall's food court is not only exercise but a roulette of random food. You never quite know what you're in for.
5. Take A Bus To The Next Town Over And Explore
Public transportation is totally affordable. If you're feeling risky, forget looking at a map, and just get off at a random stop. You have your roomie, aka your field trip buddy and bathroom partner.
6. Have A Fashion Show In The Living Room
Get glamorous and turn your living room into a runway. Regardless of what you manage to assemble, you can put random fun at center stage. Get your catwalk on.
7. Crash A Party Together
Look, just because you weren't invited, doesn't mean you aren't the life of the party. They just don't know it yet, right? Needless to say, if you're 21 and up, dance the night away with your roomie.
You and your roomie are going to spend endless amounts of time together. And no matter how little those good times costs, they are worth every minute.