Generation-Y Vs. Corporate America: 6 Tips To Get You Through Your Awful 9-T0-5
You’re in your mid-20s and reluctantly allowing corporate America to suck the energy and life out of you. You're drowning in student loans and working for a company that has nothing to do with your major.
For eight hours a day, more or less, so many of us are glued to Ikea-branded office chairs, anticipating the inevitable arrival of carpel tunnel syndrome. It seems like our only viable choice is to deal with condescending supervisors and persistent clients, just to make ends meet.
We let ourselves believe that we will be stuck where we are for the rest of our lives, as our self-esteem levels dwindle by the day.
I am not here to tell you that "you’re lucky you even have a job," but there are a few sentiments of which you should remain mindful.
We all endure annoyances as we are forced to endure the ubiquities of our cubicle lives. Here are things to consider to help get you through your nine-to-five:
You have a steady paycheck, while others out there are just trying to keep it steady.
While our days are filled with the struggle of decrypting client emails, there is someone out there drafting an email to an employer, in hopes of landing a spot — any spot — in a company. For the humble few, entry-level, full-time and zero benefits will suffice. The struggle is real — let that resonate.
You're gaining experience.
Along with the patience for something extraordinary to rise from the situation, we are all just trying to gain experience. This may require everything from new relationships with others to triumphing all of MS-Excel’s baffling formulas.
Remember, we’re at a launching point, and at some point, we will find ways to resourcefully apply it to our lives. The trick here isn’t just holding a professional title; it's about looking deeper. It's about trying.
Patience and anger go hand-in-hand.
Use the anger as motivation. We all need to vent about unfair bosses, tedious work and how much the company blows. Complaining in moderation and to the right audience is healthy. There's no need to broadcast your resentment across all social networking sites; it's just not professional.
Burn off some steam by talking to your close friends, family, spouse or your dogs. Start talking about solutions, rather than issues. Apply yourself to achieving goals and discover what you deserve. If you can productively target your anger, you'll start to find solutions.
Remember the reasons why you have this job.
A family. A future. Social respect. That totally hot babe down the street. Whatever it is, keep your eyes on the prize. Take it day-by-day because this job is just temporary.
Your resources are greater than other people's, some of whom have little to none.
We can save up money to purchase superfluous and materialistic investments, like a new Mustang, or to finally pay off that root canal. Without this job we undeniably resent, resources would be very limited.
Seek happiness in others.
Arguably, many of us can say that to avoid negative energy, it's important to prevent ourselves from falling into situations that provoke us. Learn to pull away. Take a walk when things become too much. Discover what alleviates your fury and help yourself.
The takeaway from all of this is not that you should stay at your dead-end 9-to-5 office job, but that you should reconsider before quitting. Just remember that there is always a choice.
Settling is not cowardly, and leaving doesn't make you a quitter. Don't let your premeditated actions dictate your self-perception. If you feel as though you can find better, you should.
Photo Courtesy: We Heart It