
The Two Choices In Life

If you look around, you can clearly notice the paths that people have decided to take. Life, in its vast complexities, boils everything down to two very distinct choices.

1. Are you going to be the type of person that lets life pass them by?

2. Are you going to be the type of person that actually lives it? At one point or another, you will have to simply decide which option to make for it will ultimately define you.

On one end of the spectrum we have the hopeless individual that is unfortunately one that is too common in our time. These are the people that live not to die.

You can see their eyes of despair; they've become walking decaying dreams. They are ruled by the mundane activities and the never changing schedules of the everyday.

Life is hard. Life sucks. Get over it. You can't expect to make any sort of progress if you're using all your skills & time to complain & contemplate about the negative.

There are 7 billion people on this planet, you’re extremely selfish if you feel that you're the only that has problems. Never hinder what you can do just because there is a slight chance of unfairness & struggle.

On the other end of the spectrum are the individuals that decide to live their lives. These people notice that although they may not control every facet of their lives, they are ultimately responsible for where they end up in it.

Whether it’s becoming a millionaire entrepreneur or the best fucking potter out there, they tend to fill their lives with some sort of purpose.

You see, every day you wake up, every breath you take, is a precious gift. Don't waste it by becoming a self-loathing individual. It's not a question about success nor financial stability.

It’s about being the best fucking person that you can be day in & day out. There are too many satisfying possibilities within your reach for you to just sit there.

Yes, you're going to fail. Multiple times. You will be faced with obstacles that may seem impossible. Two words: Fuck it. fuck all of it. When you wake up in the morning which decision will you ultimately make?

Misaell Cabral | Elite.