
Don't Expect, Earn Respect

The entitlement epidemic of Generation Y causes us to assume that the keys to eternal prosperity will be handed to us as soon as we are old enough to use them. While rent and job opportunities can in fact be given to us by our oddly generous elders, one thing we all must figure out how to earn solely on our own is respect.

In the dog-eat-dog world we live in today, almost everyone will fake it until they make it. This means that people will give you a false sense of respect and trust until they take advantage of you to get what they want before kicking you to the curb shortly after. This is why it is important to show these people that you are worth more than an objective tool to further their career.

When you are automatically expecting the respect of others, it will only show that you feel entitled to it, which should not be the case if you haven't done anything to make a name for yourself yet. If you want to develop a strong sense of character and leadership, you should realize that you don’t receive respect without the proper actions that would garner any sort of honor or admiration.

That being said, there are a few examples on how to gain the respect and reputation to not only further your career but also your social life and general well-being.

Be a role model to others. They say that actions speak louder than words and there is no better way to earn respect by acting how you would want other people to act and leading by example. People will look up to you and mold their lives to reflect the positive output you bring to the table each and every day.

Another way to be a leader and earn the respect you feel you deserve is by honoring your word. Honesty and reliability are vital in gaining the trust of those you want to take you seriously.

I believe integrity is the first step to being our highest self, which is why I always make sure to live up to my commitments and deliver beyond what I promise. If due to some reason you can't honor your commitments, make sure you address them accordingly and make up for it as soon as possible.

While out and about with friends or putting in your time in the workplace, in order to gain respect you must also be open to criticism. While we all value our own opinion over everyone else's, our skills and capabilities only grow stronger as we take some tough love and criticism in order to improve on the flaws that may be overlooked.

If you can take helpful advice and then adapt it into your efforts to improve yourself, it shows that you respect the mind's of other people which will build trust and mutual admiration.

Even if you don't take these guidelines into consideration, somewhere down along the road you will learn that respect is earned, not given. It is important to realize this to keep people from walking all over you and treating you like an insignificant fool.

A strong sense of self respect is needed before anyone else can respect you, because let's be honest, if you cannot respect yourself, why would anyone else put their trust and respect in you in return?

Rob Hausler | Elite.