Social Media Actually Changed My Relationship With My Body For The Better
When it comes to social media, many of us don't realize just how much we get out of it. I spent some time last week thinking about how much I've gotten out of being on the Internet, and it reminded me I have so much to be thankful for.
For most of us, social media is a big part of our lives, and it's a trend that shows no sign of slowing down. Whether you use social media for work, to meet new people or to simply to catch up with friends, chances are, you'll use it at some point. In fact, for many of us, checking our social media feeds throughout the day is as natural as reading a newspaper.
The truth is, thanks to our smartphones, we can know what our friends are up to a click of a button, and we really do use it to our advantage. But, what does it teach us?
1. I am worthy.
Perhaps one of the biggest things I've learned from social media is that I am worthy. Since becoming a plus-size blogger, I've been fortunate enough to be surrounded by a network of plus-size women who are beautiful and strong. They have taught me so much.
When you search hashtags like #psbloggers, you will see a plethora of women doing their thing and doing it well. It's so inspirational to be surrounded by this type of positive media, and it has been so beneficial to me as a person.
2. I can change my life.
As a social media user, I'm sure you've seen advertisements for weight-loss methods such as body wraps and diet pills. While most people think these types of advertisements can damage self-esteem, I prefer to read why people have decided to change their relationships with their personal health.
For example, rather than just finding out how to lose weight, I want to read about how you are happier now or what has improved in your life since losing weight. I love a good success story. For me, losing weight isn't an achievement, but the journey is. I like to read stories of people setting a goal for themselves and achieving it. Social media lets me read all about these various stories and experiences.

3. I now have writing skills.
One of the nicest things about social media is that I get to be an active part of it. I get to write on my blog and share articles online about the things I care most about. This is a fantastic experience, and it's one I wouldn't change for the world.
For me, it's been fantastic because I've been able to perfect my writing skills. My creativity is growing, and I'm able to share articles about my own personal journey as a plus-size blogger.
4. I can experience new things.
Thanks to social media, I have been introduced to a whole new host of people. This has helped me experience new social scenes. I've attended blogger events, been a plus-size model, helped promote brands, had makeovers, won awards and so much more.
While a lot of this is because I'm part of the plus-size blogging scene, none of it would have been possible without social media. Social media apps such as Twitter and Instagram are great because they always help me feel like a blogger, even when I've taken a little break from the blog itself.
So, all in all, social media has benefited me in many ways. I'm sure many people have had similar experiences. Whether we use social media to socialize, learn new skills, job hunt or something more, there is so much that can be taken from the online world.