Money-Motivated Millennials No More: Why Millennials Are More Focused On Culture Than Salary
In regards to the money-motivated Millennials, it seems that the desire to graduate from college and immediately land a well-paying job doesn’t exist anymore. The dream of a white-picket fence has met its end, as our generation harbors dreams much bigger than being able to afford a nice house and car.
Famous entrepreneurs like, Founder of Tesla Elon Musk, Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, and the many others who are changing the world, have led us to believe we have more potential than the simple suburban life and are worth more than a paycheck.
With so many entrepreneurs making their mark on the world, everyone wants it to be their turn. Today, more than ever, the world needs Millennials to change it for the better. The world needs our voices to be heard and to have us implement large-scale social changes.
It is our generation’s responsibility to help the world for the better, and the only way to do so is to become better versions of ourselves. Essentially, we must become the change we seek.
Having a job that pays well, but offers little room for growth doesn't satisfy us. We are hungry to learn, to take risks and have the initiative to give this world something great; something people will remember.
There's no more settling for being average; everyone can be exceptional and fight for something greater than him or herself. We believe in a world where change is the only thing that is constant, especially in a time during which we are experiencing a tech revolution.
Just how powerful is this social revolution of which Millennials want to be a part?
Millennials carry an average of $45,000 in debt, which doesn't seem to faze many when it comes to deciding between a job that pays well and one in line with their long-term goals. We care about others, and no one will stop us from doing so, even if colleges pile mountains of debt onto our shoulders – over one trillion worth, to be precise.
This generation is more resilient and outspoken than ever when it comes to breaking norms. Ever since social media has allowed us to broadcast our voices on large platforms, we have grown hungry to use the tool to disrupt the society into which we were birthed.
More of us refuse to stay silent and, instead, embrace criticism, as we encourage others to listen as we speak our minds. Because social media and technology have allowed information to travel incredibly fast, they have provided us with a newfound awareness to atrocities and wrongdoings being committed.
Empowered by new information, we have awoken to problems we never knew existed and this has given us more responsibility to advocate for positive change. It’s our time and we are more than willing to bring hope and bright futures to this world that has so many problems.
No wonder it’s so difficult to find money-motivated Millennials. In fact, it’s so difficult that some job descriptions actually list "money-motivated" as a skill. Employers are struggling to fill positions, especially those based on commission. If employees don't believe a product or service is changing the world for the better, many won't buy into the company’s mission and thus, won't perform to the best of their abilities.
Who would have thought that the Millennial generation would be too excited about changing the world to think about money? It's no surprise that our biggest inspiration for this new set of values is not just the speed at which information travels, but also how unhappy past generations became in working jobs just for the paycheck.
Science has proven that happiness is a large determinant of success, so if money doesn't make us happy, why would we be successful at chasing it?
According to a 2012 study, 56 percent of Millennials would take a pay cut to work somewhere that is changing the world for the better.
If your business does not aim to improve the world, then don't expect to attract top talent. With social media, you can't pretend to take care of the world because this form of viral communication has prevented even the slyest of companies from hiding under false advertising.
Since advances in mass communication can put companies on the defensive when it comes to having a strong and genuine brand that appeals to us, they have begun to take huge steps to improve upon their images. Because of this, companies are trying to re-brand themselves to not only attract Millennial employees, but also Millennial money.
Companies are approaching the problem by spotlighting the benefits of working at their company beyond a great salary. For instance, having a great company culture, free gym membership and a great policy on flextime are all very appealing to this young generation.
Without mentorship and room for growth, the odds are against your company. This generation is looking for something more than the norm — something that tells them that they are part of a movement to change the world.
This is why many members of Generation-Y are turning to startups and small companies that provide a personable feel and recognize that their contributions are making positive impacts on the world.
It’s simple: The world is changing, and Generation-Y wants it to be for the better. So, if companies want a new round of Millennial hires, they better think culture first and salary second.
Photo Courtesy: Tumblr