Young woman on her way to do unique summer fitness activities at sunrise.

10 Unique Summer Fitness Activities You Can Do In Your Own Backyard

Your TikTok dance skills will come in handy.

Summer calls for doing anything and everything outside, including working out. These unique summer fitness activities embrace the warm weather, endless sunshine, and beauty of your backyard — and the undeniable joy of running through sprinklers with your best friends.

Jonathan Fuentes / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images

Have A Hopscotch Race

As a child, you may have drawn out hopscotch squares on the pavement at recess and hopped through the chalk obstacles with ease. Reclaim your hopscotch crown by drawing complex paths on your driveway or patio. Start a timer at the beginning of each race to compete with yourself.

Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images