
5 Success-Robbing Misconceptions You Must Overcome - Elite Daily

by Ryan Babikian

Your mindset can be an influencing factor on your probability of attaining success. After all, perception is reality; before you can get other people to recognize your greatness, you must acknowledge it within yourself first.

That is why it is critical to load your mind with positive beliefs that can empower your ability to excel. Many people suffer from harmful misconceptions that are seared into their minds, which only hold them back from success. However, it can often be very difficult determining if you are among this disadvantaged group.

Naturally, becoming aware of these toxic beliefs is the first step towards setting yourself free. So here are the top 5 toxic misconceptions that will prevent you from success unless you change your ways.


1. What others think of me determines my self-worth.

Some people define themselves based upon how they guess their boss, co-workers, relatives and friends see them. When they are convinced that others think poorly of them, such people lack the self-confidence necessary to consistently take action.

In fact, thinking like this causes you to enter a vicious, almost inescapable cycle where you are set-up to fail. Your confidence in yourself must be exclusive and unwavering.

When you believe in your abilities, talents and capabilities, wondrous opportunities will come your way. More so, if you do not feel you are an asset then how can you expect others to? Your self-worth must begin within before reaching others – not the other way around.

2. My future is held back by my past

When some people experience a series of setbacks, they assume that their goals are not achievable. Over time, they become dispirited and discouraged, avoiding situations where failure is a risk. Because any significant effort entails risk, such people are then unable to make significant achievements.

Purge your mind of any previous experience where things did not work out, yet it mentally still hinders you. Only once you let go of this, can you embrace opportunities for success.

If your past still haunts you, your future will be as equally daunting. Wake up each morning and remember it is a new day. Never underestimate the ability and positive affects of starting fresh.

3. My fate is predetermined by God, superstitious entities, etc.

Some people believe that their status in life – or even their potential as a human being – is determined by luck, fate, or divine intervention. This all-too-common and ridiculous belief robs such people of initiative, making them passive as they wait for their "luck" to change.

Essentially, this is a weak belief absorbed in order to not take accountability for your own life. Only direct action taken by you will get you to the next level.

There is nothing wrong with being religious or even superstitious, but when you no longer take action to steer the direction your life is headed in, then you are disabled. If you want success, reach out and grab it.

4. My emotions are entirely shaped by external events

Some people believe that their emotions are caused by external events. In truth, emotions are determined by the perception of those events, combined with preconceptions about what those events mean.

People who suffer from this misconception find it difficult or impossible to "get out of their own heads" and see situations from another person's viewpoint. Learn to let go, have more confidence in yourself and realize that there will always be haters out there.

If you hold grudges or let past experiences guide you, you will never excel. If you can be resilient, bad events will not rub you the wrong way, and in turn you will not be disadvantaged by them.

5. My goal is to achieve perfection

Because perfection is unattainable, the people who seek it are simply setting themselves up for disappointment. Perfectionists blame the world and everything in it rather than doing what's necessary to accomplish extraordinary results. That's why "successful perfectionist" is an oxymoron.

Your goal should be to become better than you were the day before. If you are perfect, there is no room more improvement anyway. If you constantly improve, you will be an asset and, by extension, you will attain success.

If you are always chasing perfection, your time and energy will consumed in a fruitless pursuit that leaves no room for realistic and beneficial achievements.
