Lifestyle — Meet Corey Shapiro: The Man Behind Your Favorite Celebrities' Shades (Video)
by Kaylin Pound

It's been said that good things come to those who wait.

But in reality, good things usually come to those who work their asses off and never give up.

If there's one person who knows this, it's Corey Shapiro.

Known by many as the "Notorious Gentrifier," this Montreal-based entrepreneur is no stranger to the hustle, and he juggles a variety of insanely successful business ventures with celeb clientele including the luxe Vintage Frames Company, Juicy Labs and the ornate Notorious Barber Shop.

Shapiro got his first taste of entrepreneurship at a young age, and over the years, he's gone from selling Beanie Babies as a kid to being a businessman boss who flashes fur jackets, a gold BMW and $50,000 shades on the reg.

The secret to Shapiro's success is actually quite simple: It all comes down to setting yourself apart from the competition by being spontaneous, intelligent and adaptable.

According to Shapiro,

It's not the success that made the person, it's the failures. Figure out how to fail first because if you don't know how to fail and you can't address failure, then you will never know if you have succeed.

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